I do but now i got brain fart fo a while sooo yeah. But my first story of my series is what this sounds like and thats pretty far back. I think.
Update ************ I ran in a blind fury swinging at every enemie there. I managed to slug a guy and a girl, but somehow I retained my manners and apologized for punching the girl, not bxtch slapping her. I was going to continue but Alex stopped me, "If you're going to blindly swing, you should aim at the rich guy who needs to eat shxt." So I ran at Kennway, only to have the other kids to get in the way. "Honestly, do you losers have any lines in this showdown?" They looked at each other and one of them said yes. "Oh, well to bad you aren't main characters in this series, maybe next time." I punched one of the dudes and Alex K'Od the rest. We were to much of gentlemen to hit females. Except for before that was the cheer captain… totally deserved it. Kennway ordered the girls, " since they won't hit you, go finish off the girl AND my disowned daughter. Of course like the beggining of this whole thing, another challenger came. This time I was truly shocked, because this person had my dog tags, and only one person had them. Alex the first to speak, "Is it really you… Chey'enne?!" Even though we knew the answer was yes, I started to get mad because she made a flashy entrance using tae-kwon-do to subdue the girls. "You two are so sad. Anyway whats going on and who is this?" We explained everything and as soon as we finished, Kennway's butt kisser had went into the room and held Emily hostage. I want to kill him so badly, even if he is Maddison's dad. I'm sure she wouldn't mind though, considering he is part of the reason she was shot. I started to remember something my dad used to say, "Listen Aaron, if your friends or family is ever hurt, I want you to calm down. Then get or buy a soda can and repeat these words-" So I calmed down and bought a soda from the vending machine conviently there. Drunk the soda and Kennway asked, "Who buys a soda in a serious situation?" I lifted a finger, amd replied, "First of all, I needed a quick energy boost. Second, I just opened the begging of a can of whoop ass on you."