The Mystery Girl

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Dj_Comet, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. 2 Weeks Later
    "What a drag."

    "Aaron, when do you ever stop complaining?" I asked.

    "When I sleep, eat, play basketball, check out hot girls and while reading manga."

    I smacked him in the back of the head. "You better not let Maddison hear you say that."

    "She won't, but seriously what teacher would make me take a test after I was out until yesterday?!"

    I opened my locker, "well you should've studied instead of kissing Maddy."

    He used one finger to scratch his head, " Its kinda hard to study under boring conditions so I had to liven it up."

    I flicked his forehead, " you are so silly." Aaron's watch started to beep.

    "Damn it, my time is up." I looked at him confused. He started to pat my head like he was older.

    "Stop it! I'm the older one, idiot."

    "Haha, I know but I'm the taller one. Its been great seeing you again."

    "What do you mean? You sound like you're leaving."

    "I am, I can't stay in your dreams forever."

    "Wait that doesn't make any sense! Don't leave!" I tried to grab him but my hand went through him and I fell. Aaron's body started to dissolve from feet to head.

    "Stay safe, especially since there isn't anymore men in the house, and keep moving forward. See ya in 80 years." With that Aaron fully dissapeared.

    "Wait!" I was in my room, that whole thing was a dream. That's right, Aaron died that day. I heard knocking on my door.

    "Heyo, shorty!" I looked and saw Alex.

    "What are you doing here, its Saturday and its 11 in the morning. Wouldn't you and Aaron usually be sleep?"

    "Correct you are kiddo." I looked at him kinda annoyed.

    "Are you using Aaron's phrases just to make me cry? If so I will beat you up."

    "Are you gonna sit and sulk all day or are we gonna open this box?" I completely forgot about it, I guess I thought it would be to painful to look. Alex held up the box and I noticed he was holding something else.

    "Hey whats that?" He quickly hid the things behind his back.

    "Oh just some Anime and manga, hahaha." I got an idea of what it is.

    "You barely watch that stuff. I already know what it is."

    "Its your brothers! Just open the damn box."

    I started to open the top and got nervous. I'll finally know what he wanted me to see.
  2. Awwwww noooo Aaron come backkkk

  4. How did I make you cry?!
  5. By making it seem like you were alive but then faded away!!!!
  6. Well all dreams end at some point.
  7. But damn! i cant dream abiut my little brother anymore???? That crap hurts man!
  8. Final Chapter
    I opened the box, and there were magazines and movies.

    "Why would tell me to look at these?"

    "I don't know, he was your brother."

    "He is my brother, just because he died doesn't mean he stops being my brother. He just went to a better vantage point to watch over me." Alex smiled, " I see Aaron's way of seeing things rubbed off on you."

    "I guess, and stop looking through his stuff." I moved a magazine in the box and saw pictures. I picked up a picture, "I remember this, Aaron put glue in my shoes and I chased him with a bat."

    "Remind me not to do that. Hey, this is the one where we were at the beach."

    With all the pictures we could be reminising all day. I saw a piece of paper and an envelope in the corner of the box. The paper had a quote saying, "The future is not a place we go to, it is a place we create."

    "What does that even mean?"

    "I don't know, he was your best friend."

    The envelope had Maddison's name on it.

    "Maddison? Maybe its a love letter?" I looked at Alex.

    "I highly doubt Aaron is the romamtic type. Anyway we should take it to her."

    I got ready, but when I put my shoes in I felt something hard inside. When I looked it was dried up glue.

    "That ass! How long was this in here?!"

    After that frustrating moment, I switched shoes and we headed towards Maddy's mom house. We arrived minutes and I knocked on the door and an old lady opened the door.

    "We don't want any girl scout cookies, scram!" She was about to shut the door but Alex put his foot in the way.

    "We need to give Maddison something." I tried to explain.

    "I said we don't want any cookies!" She started to get real irritated.

    "Grandma, we really need to give her this." All of a sudden her mood lightened up.

    "Oh Aaron, I didn't recognize you. Did you get taller?" Alex and I exchanged looks.

    "Maddison, Aaron is here to see you." Maddison came to the door in a familiar looking jacket and hat.

    "Oh hey guys, you can come inside."

    When she turned around the jacket she was wearing had a 2 and Young on top.

    "Wait thats Aaron's Varsity Jacket and his favorite hat! How did you get it?"

    "Well, it was raining one day and I forgot to get a sweater and umbrella. He just happened to see me and put the jacket over my shoulders and the hat on my head. He said he was going to get it back later, then thats when he asked me to the dance."

    "Wow, didn't know Aaron actually shared."

    "Well since he gave it to you, you should keep it."

    "Really? Are you sure, Emily?"

    "Positive." Maddison smiled and said thanks.

    "Why did your grandma call me Aaron?" Alex wasn't paying any attention to our conversation.

    "She thought you was him, he came over alot. She's partially blind, has alzeihmers, and she's going senile."

    "Couldn't she just remember his voice?"

    "She probably forgot how it sounds."

    "How is she going senile?"

    "She flipped off a 3 year old before Aaron died."

    "Ok… anyway Aaron wrote this. We didn't look inside, so we're kinda curious." I gave her the envelope and she opened it. She pulled out a picture and a note. In the picture was Aaron and Maddison, they were dressed up for the dance.

    "You two looked like a couple. Its disgusting."

    "Shut up Alex, don't you have a girlfriend?"

    "Yea, but who knows how Aaron would react. Its not everyday childhood friends date."

    "Maddy what does the note say?"

    "……It says, I have never done this but will you go out with me."

    I saw Maddison shed a tear. She was going to wipe it with the jacket but didn't.

    "I bet you would've said yes."

    "What tipped you off, the fact I liked him?"

    "That and when you kissed him at the hospital."

    "You saw that?"

    "Yup, very passionate by the way. Looked like tongues was exchanged, too." Alex started laughing.

    "Shut up." She started to turn red.

    "I'm gonna write a story about this, just for the little brother."

    "It would make him smile thats a great idea."

    "Phew, I finally finished the story." I put down my pen. I picked up a picture of me, dad, mom, and Aaron. Then
  9. Uber long chapter XD
    Then I looked up at the sky.

    "I wonder if you're smiling now, dad and Aaron."

    "Lets go, if we want good seats we gotta go now." Maddy and Alex were standing at my bedroom door.

    "Alright, let me just put the title." Alex grabbed my journal.

    "The Mystery Girl… legit enough." With that we left to the movies.
  11. This story is going on too fast.You have grammar mistakes and spelling and its just horrible!I dont understand a single thing dude!Just horrible!
  12. loved it! it was amazing!( don't let anyone tell you different!:)
  13. Thanks for the advice Logan. I'll be sure to remeber that.
  14. >.< Stop calling me little! But still love you too, sis.
  15. Awwwwww that was amazing!!!
  16. T.T your little to me ok! Deal with it
  17. .-. Dont listen to Logan he was blah on my story too :/ but oh well ^-^ Still loved it Tj and I wuv you little brother!