The Magicianimals Spinner Items

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. can we have dora related items next time? that is more of 17+ theme
  2. Tbh, these things look like they could haunt a child's nightmare :lol:
  4. TBH these look horrible, look like something for kids.
  5. Nice ^_^
  6. Support
  7. At least we know ATA can use crayons?
  8. ikr
  10. How DUMB is this? Its like magic prizes for retards!
  11. New items! I want them all lol need to save spins
  12. first world problem
  13. I didn't post "!" I posted tard...with a re in front of it
  14. Loool
  15. Lol all ready finished it when the next one
  16. Whatever ATA, keep censoring the man...I just know everyone feels the same way!!!!
  17. Completed. Add more now  jk
  19. where