Same, but we only get that on Halloween appearently :/ Stop being basic ATA think about the goth thots sksksksksks
Dude, they had one in January? was getting old af cause we already had like 3 of em in October that were Halloween related. As for the pride hunt..they already have gifts, furniture and avis out..that's our hunt for the month..we don't need to pride hunts For those complaining about this hunt, don't participate for 13 days..simple as that which idk why you wouldn't because Ata FINALLY gave us a good hunt! THANK YOU ATA FOR THE AMAZING HUNT!
Literally every time I’ve seen you speak, you’ve had them caps LOCKED They have so many options already for pride, if they did a whole hunt there’d be complaints that there’s too much pride options at once
The whole month of June you get avis, gifts, furniture now you want a hunt, yeah get over yourself peasant