The Last Ancient

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Wing_Fanchu_Skullduggery (01), Apr 9, 2011.

  1. I hope u can work with that, fletch
  2. If not, I can take over for t
  3. * this one, but u will have to do double next story A's well then
  4. Darn it I always come in late

    But a lab!!!!!! YAY
  5. Yeah Otto, you can do the next one and I'll do a double
  6. Ima updating. This will take. Awhile.
  7. Here it is:
    Otto looked around A's fletch was talking 2 Dan. He was inspecting the shelves, looking at pictures. Then he noticed a picture of his ma and pa when they were kids........ There were other people in the picture. One he knew A's wing, the guy who used to come over to the malpenses house with his wife, Shelby, who was right beside him in the picture. Wing was an Asian, his hair in a ponytail. He had a slight resemblance to Dan. So did Shelby, the blonde girl that was always grinning and could never stop joking. Behind them, since he was taking up the most room, was franz, the fat german kid.(in the picture) even then he had chocolate, except he was looking victorious. He noted the look of everyone else. They all looked down except for 3: Shelby, and the two adults, who must have been dr Nero and raven raven had black hair, 2 katanas on her back, and looked extremely surprised. Dr Nero, his hair white of old age, was looking at a paper with an amused look in his eye, but it was obvious he was surprised. There was one more person that Otto didn't notice before. A bald kid with glasses was standing, open mouthed, staring back at franz.(for Nigel, imagine kuririn from dbz in glasses)
    'he sure does look like him.' said a voice behind Otto, making him jump.'I am dr gero, dr neros cousin, nice to meet you.' dr gero did look like Nero. Except slightly younger.
    'nice to meet you, dr.' said Otto and fletch together.
    'now tell me, mr Malpense, did you see the face of the killer?' gero asked
    'right away? Damn u get to Ur point fast. I thought scientists took their time explaining' laughed fletch
    'right there. It was him.'Otto nodded at Nigel in the picture.
    'he was possessed.' said gero. 'he could never use magic. He only unleashed plant monsters on his schools. Which Ur father blew up, btw. If whoever is possessing ur family's friends gets either raven or wing, we are all dead.'
    'well let's get going then Otto. We need to get to Dan so u can train.' he looked at Ninz and gero. 'wanna come?' he asked
    'nah I'll go back to my lab' gero said
    'I'll go' said Ninz.
  8. YAY IM NEXT!!!
  9. You should be. Fletch will write next. twice
  10. While Otto and Dan were training Fletch was talking to Ninz
    'umm so, you're a sorcerer too?'
    'yeah, what's it to you?' replied Ninz
    'I dunno, just creating conversation I guess' Fletch was clearly nervous
    'okay then, yeah I can command spirits, how about you?'
    'elemental magic mostly'
    'nice, anyway, while Dan is training the rookie, I have something to show you' Ninz led Fletch into a small circular room filled with nothing but a table, on this table was a box, Ninz gave it to Fletch. He opened it. Inside was a shining silver Smith and Wesson 500 revolver
    'take a vampire's head off in one shot' Ninz knew a lot about guns, she was one of the best shooters in London (yes, it's gonna be set in London, England)
    'Ninz, I've got someone who I like you to meet' Fletch led Ninz to his new car, they got in a sped off into the distance, leaving Dan and Otto alone, they were enjoying their training. It seemed like Otto was destined to become an Adept sorcerer, he hit his hand to the floor and swords were summoned from it, they flew at Dan, he simply blocked it, but then a large chunk of rock hit Dan and sent him flying into Otto, their assailant picked them up and flew off with them into the night sky
  12. 5 seconds and *whoop* captured

  13. The assailant dropped the boys in a dark stone room, there were chains hanging from the walls and pieces of skeleton lying around
    'you two boys will lead me to that bastård Fletch, my name is Apocalypse, Apoc for short and you're gonna tell me where Fletcher is'
    'no way mr Apoc, I'll never tell you!' Apoc held up his hand and swiped across the air, in unison with him a huge claw made out of shadows swiped across Otto's chest, nearly killing him.
    'I'll be back in an hour, if you don't tell me then, one of you is gonna be seriously hurt'

    Meanwhile Fletch was driving with Ninz, they were talking about guns and weaponry, then Fletch pulled over and got out, he walked to a house, knocked on the door and a tall woman in brown tight leather answered, she was beautiful, she had long wavy brown hair and a slim but robust body, a rapier was slung on her back
    'ahh hello Fletch, this must be Ninz, hello I'm Tanith and it's nice to meet you' they walked into Tanith's living room and sat down, they talked about lots of thing including the future of Otto, they said that he held great power and could probably be the one who could stop Apoc, but little to their knowledge Apoc had Otto wrapped around his little finger
  14. * GASP * suspense
  15. Otto was getting tired of this cell.
    'hey Dan, he knows that we're adepts right?'
    'yeah, I s'pose so. Why?'
    'cuz I have an idea.' Otto said, closing his eyes. 'this will only take a few seconds.' he was feeling the air around him, and had control over it for a split second before it was gone.
    'damn.' Otto said 'it didnt work.'
    'but this did' smiled Dan A's he threw his handcuffs to the floor. 'good old fashioned lock-picking skills my mom taught me.' smiled Dan. 'need some help, Otto?'
    'nah, I can pick locks A's well' he said holding up his handcuffs, grinning. 'my mom taught me a trick her friend showed her.'
    'impressive. Now shall we?' he asked A's he destroyed the wall leading outside.
    'I guess we shall' Otto grinned, jumping through the hole.

    Apoc stood on the roof, watching them make their escape.
    'CYBER!' he yelled
    'yes m'lord?' cyber appeared
    'get them back.' he gestured toward the kids. 'get them back at all costs. And by the way, I'm going to do the original thing here and say "your life depends on it" now go. Or do u seriously want to die?!?!'
    Cyber swallowed nervously A's he left.

    I set it up so that if u have plans for a big rescue, then I can give u that chance, fletch
  16. Don't let me die. Let me help them escape. I don't wana die 
  17. Don't worry Cyber