EVENT The Inside Story 🏠💕

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. Yikes avi boxes are back that's literally the worst 🤢
  2. Only avi I would actually try to get is probably on lb🥱 great job ig...
  3. This may be kinda random but I don’t really see how the furni or avis go along with the story.Then again I may not understand since I don’t know the main story just what I see here and in the side story since xc hasn’t shown up
    Ballerina and LoveEmmy like this.
  4. Hope the furni drop rate goes up because I’ve been getting next to nothing :/
  5. @_Mazikeen_-
  6. I just realized y’all brought avi boxes back... that’s a no from me🤦🏾‍♀️ who said we wanted those?
    Carrie, Ivanette, alexisxx and 7 others like this.
  7. Anyone else not seeing the main story in the xcs?
    _HeIium_ likes this.
  8. Apparently devs are working on it but mine also has yet to show up don’t worry
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Personally, I don't really like the "old" look that some avis get in some hunts (it's hard to describe). I prefer a different art style. But a couple of these still look cute!

    I don't see the issue with having the main story being a XC. We get to see all the tiers, people can read the "texts" or stories whenever they want, and we get the rewards just the same. I don't mind it because it doesn't seem to affect the hunt negatively.

    Also - furni is good! I like the idea of replacing the "bed" with that sink full of ingredients. I love when you get creative with dorms.
    --Tifa, saccharine, Ritz and 2 others like this.
  10. This theme reflects my state of mind right now, cooking/baking is fun
  11. I dislike it because I like having my stories in the same location (phone) and because the XC doesn't give the collection pop-ups notifications for it after parties / box openings, or the progress bar at the bottom of the home page. :(
    Carrie and Ballerina like this.
  12. Right off the bat, not crazy about this event. Not in love with the Avis or even the furni.
  13. So it’s actually that we just have to get the main story item first? It is supposed to appear after that 😊
  14. yay more stuff for the hypersexual like they're not batshit crazy enough
  15. also, fire this designer, they can't color/shadow for shit
    Carmilla likes this.
  16. Nice
  17. Really, another XC hunt? AND ava boxs. I wasn’t too repulsed by the hunt avatars, there kinda cute but this is lowkey annoying. Last hunt was enough XC boarding for me.
    FastForward and Muschi like this.
  18. Ready to cook 😋
  19. I never get furni
  20. How do we get the avatars tho ?