The Hit List 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. knew i could count on you boo
  2. I can confirm she is annoying
  3. Guess I'm not needed then :(
    [Would have failed anyways]
  5. Who needs a nub though ?
  6. Byte

    5mcs to whoever gets me the 3000th fight loss k bye
  7. When you want fight loses to look 'cool'
  8. I pick up after you
  9. Never fished for fake incs when out of war :ugeek:
  10. wow i always need ur fails tho :(
  11. Sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me on forums :cry:
  12. ☄️  jiggy cause his wookie Arpee sucks
  13. op for creating crappy thread
  14. This guy for being severely emo
  15. You're a legend m8
  16. Forgive ?
  17. Mero please I can't pin him
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. -CnC_OliverClohZoff-

    lHF (first is lowercase L)

    IHF (first is uppercase i)

    The first account has been force-volleying my RS and I have asked them not to three times. First time they deleted my wall post and the next two times they’ve gotten the other two accounts to harass me (you can read my wall to see.) I’m to weak to hit any of them and I don’t want to ask my club as I’m worried about the entire club being dragged into a SFW. I just want my RS back man 🥲