The Hall of Showcase Collectors!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. @Cherokee1966 with the garden
    I would love to do the same thing with trowels, sunhats, and all garden gnomes and the like!!!

    So beautiful!
  2. This is so neat!! I love it
  3. @Victoria my old good friend from forums has a starred section full of wine + crowns!!!

    Muschi and Victoria like this.
  4. @Egg has a collection of eggs / but is also expanding to collect nests, various birds and egg-laying creatures (maybe even dinosaurs and dragons)

    @iDucka is collecting ducks and items that look like ducks

    @YouGoose is collecting geese...

    I can't lie, I love the idea of a finalised egg-related collection the most because there are many incredibly rare egg items, and related animals... It has enough content to be really expensive, challenging, and impressive.

    But I also love the idea of short and sweet collections that can actually be completed and I'm cheering you three on.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. @Elena has penguins and pinapples
    Idk wtf to call that kind of aesthetic but it kinda works. Tropical-polar juxtaposition, maybe?
    Muschi, MayaTheHopeful and Victoria like this.
  7. Thank you including me! It’s already been a super fun challenge, taught me a lot about how people price things. Thank you to everyone who sold your items/ gave them to me! Stay safe, and don’t crack.
  8. @Andrius showcase full of cameras!!
    renamed52415 likes this.
  9. Dookies 🌚

    Thanks for the add, love a good cookie stat item!
    Kefo likes this.
  10. Offthewall and Sansa like this.
  11. Wow didn’t see this thread before! Awesome

    BTW I collect plants and greens, please feel free to sell them to me 🪴
    Kefo likes this.
  12. Bb check this thread @Saint

    @Saint has black and gold collection.
  13. im collecting furni, not all set, just some that i like. rn im looking for retro sleek bed. Hmu if selling ❤️
    Saint likes this.
  14. I collect any Asian misc and Furni !

    Examples: KPOP hunt, Otaku hunt, Chinese new years hunts, jewel of Siam, Neko Kissaten, Nihonzaru Onsen, etc etc

    I’m always looking for such things
    🫶 WM if selling