Omg! I found a dittle -Frog- This is a rare Dittle! I searched Frog-Dittle on Google. It said it's a rare Dittle. It is not a real site. I never searched it up.
Omg! I found a Dittle! -Frog- This is a rare Dittle! I searched Frog Dittle on Google. It popped up with a site of all Dittle pets and I have the rarest Dittle! This site is not real. For anyone who searched it is an Idiot. No Offence!
My pet dittle never even gets out of bed that lazy little weirdo ... IyqRTOYy0O
Wow I Thought I would never see anything so AWSOME!!! To bad my dittle got run over... Make a how to revive a dittle plz