The Guide to Dittle

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Apr 13, 2011.

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  1. The guide to Dittle

    Hey I know you're probably all saying to yourself "Damn my dittle is out of control, I wonder how do I train it"

    Well here's a step to step guide on how to properly look after your Dittle and train it.

    1. Find a good home for your dittle, preferably with a roof and indoor heating as dittle's don't like to be cold.

    2. Never let it see another Dittle, the last time this happened an eye witness had this to say;

    3. By the time you have found a home your Dittle will be hungry and you need to feed it the correct food here is a list of food Dittle can eat;
    •Trolls (Doesnt know how to kill them)
    •Noobs (Don't really fill him)
    •Giraffes (Always hides them)
    •Butt pirates (Has bad gas afterwards)
    •Moose with garlic (causes bad breath)
    •Dinosaur afterbirth (not his favourite)
    •Cookies (Their just awesome)

    4.Now your Dittle has a full stomach it will want to nap, DON'T LET IT, Dittle's are commonly known for walking into fields and getting killed by tractors (Don't farm while Dittle's around)

    5.Now Dittle is tired you need to cover him with a blanket and take him to an open field (preferably where there's no tractors) take a cookie with you, first tell him to spin around, this will make him dizzy and unable to attack you. All you need to do now is is say a command as follows;
    Here is a list of commands;
    •Roll over

    And that's how to train your Dittle, Your Dittle will learn to love you after time, and protect you, but until then watch out as he Dittles are known to eat their trainers.

    Tip of the day:

    If you see a Wild Dittle


    And just incase you don't know what a Dittle looks like here you go;


    That was my Guide to Dittle

    Thanks for reading 
  2. Lmao! Finally! I can understand it! Thank you Zeus! 
  3. LMFAO!!!!!
  4. PS. How do I make it give me an Invincible Giraffe? 
  5. Lol!
    This was absolutely hilarious.
    Thank you for this..
    Poor Dittle..
  6. Dittle's hide their giraffe's, you'll have to give it alot of cookies for one
  7. Rofl !! Omg Zeus !!
  8. Cap'n you see the Dougie command lol
  9. Lol!
    Command: Dougie
  10. Its a good job we only have one Dittle on forums
  11. LMFAO!!


    You HAVE to pin this thread XD
  12. Lmao
    This is the best thread evah
    Cah broom cah cah broom
  13. He even put in the dinosaur afterbirth!!
  14. This is pretty epic.
  15. Lmfaoooo I want a dittle 
  16. Me too, Qin! Haha
  17. I already have a dittle 

    The last time it saw another dittle...
    Oh man.
  18. Thanks guys and aaahh it's Dittle

    "Big Dawg says Dougie" 
  19. LMFAO
    hahahaha Zeus! you're a genius!
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