Nick:-hears loud rustling in the bushes around them and senses explosives and whispers - i think there is sucicide creatures in the bushes , don't make a loud noise and sound
Name: Amelia, but usually people call her Amy. Age: 18 Bio: Amy's mother left her husband and daughter when Amy was a baby and had never returned ever since. Her father was working all day and night, because work seemed to distract him from his problems. Amy had discovered her powers since she was very young, but nobody else noticed, as nobody else really cared about her. Personality: Amy was never the social type. Throughout the years, she has developed trust issues and, even though she rarely lies, she is convinced that nobody ever tells the truth. She is quite selfish and usually very cynical and sarcastic. She is willing to do literary anything to achieve her ends. Fighting style: Amy avoids going too close to her enemies and prefers being as far as possible from her opponent while fighting. Appearance: Amy has light brown hair, that falls on her shoulders and reaches the middle of her back shaping loose curls. She has bright green eyes with silver flecks. Her skin is extremely pale and her height is rather average. Power: Amy can use telekinesis. She can move objects with her mind, or even make objects burst, if she concentrates on them for a long time. Weakness: She gets easily tired, as using her power requires a lot of energy. Sometimes using her power even results in her loosing consciousness. Weapons: Even though she always carries a dagger, she never really uses it.
Nick:-makes the spark balls disappear and puts my katana away and silently creeps away from he bushes-
Crystal; -holds her hand out and her spear slowly forms into her hands, she does this while stepping to the side of the bushes slowly.-
Mark: oblivious to the rest, he continues wandering."it's beautiful out here" he says to himself. "its hard to believe theyd put this in an arena"