The Greatest Fighter: The Arising (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MadKingSean, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Jack:

    He continues to walk, tiny. "Stupid fighting, all I want is the money."
  2. Ethan: -jumps up landing on top of another one-demon fist-punches it-
  3. Arktum: -tears thru them with my blade, slicing them in half with each slash- this is dull!
  4. Jack:

    Hears the commotion. "What's the hubbub?" He asks himself.
  5. Mark: sits under a tree and sighs.
  6. Ethan: 20% of them are finish 80% to go
  7. Arktum: why waste our time? -My Dragon tattoo flashes brightly through my shirt- i got em!
  8. Ethan: half of them have scatter already
  9. Jack:

    He keeps walking, keeping his eyes and ears open. He sucks underneath his shield a bit.
  10. Arktum: oh well, lets see wat we can do -yellow sparks begin to surround my body-
  11. Ethan: -jumps back watching Ark-
  12. Arktum: -dashes towards the remaining enemies that are scattered around the forest, my blade slicing thru them. As i slash, it looks like i havent moved, but after the enemies are slayed i place my sword back into my handle- boom…-smirks as yellow sparks erupt from the forest, bodies turning to ash- Dragon's Light Claw…complete
  13. Ethan: -turns around and starts walking away-good job
  14. Lilly:-stands watching them invisible and un scentable- Hmm... interesting *noticing Ethans copy of Arks Power and Grins before vanishing again from the small blundering group*
  15. Arktum: -drops to my knees- phew…im spent
  16. Jack:

    He is still small. "How has it not been an hour yet! I knew riding that bird was a poor idea."
  17. Mark: gets up and wanders about the forest.
  18. ???: -watches everyone from birdseye view, examining- intriguing…very
  19. Ethan: thanks-he laugh already having a complete copy of his power-
  20. Jack:

    He sees Mark walking by, he quickly covers himself in his shield, covering that with a leaf.