The Greatest Experience being A PLAYMATE and in A HAREM

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xll011X_Aqua-Shade_X11ollX, Aug 11, 2016.

  1.  if the cf terms were endure the hits you might as well make a new acc
  2. Someone tell op how to get to fan fiction
  3. So let me try and sum it up. You kept hiring one of there tuts and because of that they are all now farming you? Lots of clubs have a mess with one mess with all mentality. You made it sound like they are picking on you when you are the one who seems to have started it. Please correct me if I'm wrong :)
  4. She poked the bear and now it's destroying her village
  5. i think it was the other way around; one of their members hired her tut so she hit them and is salty about getting hit back? idk and idc w dis attitude id have declared fw w her too LOL
  6. Just take Ur cf and move on m8
  7.  no support "I have declared fw w her too" 
  8. Ok well that just made me so confused lol
  9. :?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. -_- making threads will not make it better, will only make it worse if you care so much simply cf OR go inactive that way u don't gotta hear your friends cry about hits :lol:
  12. So many grammatical errors.
    #nosupport. :/
  13. [​IMG]
  14. Aye papi hmu. (;
  15. Another whiny farm post made by another bored loser probably sitting in the toilet taking a . Don't forget to wipe boo, streak stains aren't pretty. ?
  16. Bet :p