The great reset

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Listen. Idk why this is going in a political direction. Because it’s not political. Idgaf about Bill Gates, or who he pays... I’m using measles as an example because that’s one of the vaccines people opt to not get, causing outbreaks, and people dying. From a strictly medical point of view, vaccines are fucking essential. So we’re arguing against vaccines because I see it from a medical point of view and you’re looking at it from a political one. It’s shouldn’t be political.
  2. The OP is literally're off track here.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. Oh hun. We are talking about bill gates vaccines here. And the globalists push for mandatory vaccination. Not all the other vaccines that are there
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  4. And I said vaccines should be mandatory. Not that I side with the globalists. And not just Bill Gates vaccines. All vaccines for deadly illnesses should be mandatory for no other reason than keeping people safe. End of story.
  5. So...covid vaccine? You signing up to get that?
  6. But YOU replied to my original comment about mandatory vaccines.
  7. Covid vaccine will most likely end up being available for people at risk. Like the pneumonia vaccine. People who work in healthcare will most likely have to get it, just like flu shots.
  8. How was I supposed to know you were to dense to know the op was about Covid vaccines?
  9. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ this is like actually painful
  10. 💁‍♀️not as painful as hells gonna be if you get the mark of the beast
    YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm likes this.
  11. If hell is real, it is this thread 💁🏻‍♀️
  12. It's actually a lake of fire...but ok
    YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm likes this.
  13. So try to understand this: this mandatory vaccine comes with a digital certificate which will be a chip installed in you. If you dont have that chip you aren't allowed to step it of your home. Careful what u wish for.

    I am not gonna argue on other vaccinations for measles, etc. As its pointless. And that wasn't my concern to begin with
    Alicia likes this.
  14. I’ve never understood how someone who isn’t in the medical field is offering out vaccines.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  15. And it goes so much deeper than this. Like MUCH deeper than this. If you think it’s just a vaccine, well I send you love and guidance through your rough times.
  16. I mean there are medical professionals not recommending this specific vaccine. We also have medical professionals proving on how the tests can be faked. There are even proof out there how the statistics were also made up just like China. So, i mean id have a hard time believing or trusting anyone trying to inject my body with ANYTHiNG atm.
  17. Cuz he has money ig
  18. Exactly. It goes much deeper.
    Alicia likes this.
  19. Yep there could be nano particles in the vaccine. This guy has been working on vaccines for years now. This mf predicted the pandemic that will kill millions 4 years ago. The hospital data is manipulated. These mfs exaggerated the seriousness of the virus and used the reports for fear mongering and forcing nations into lock down.

    But we have "intellectuals" that are willing to ignore all of this, ignore what is obvious, ignore all evidences, defy math, all cuz there's no concrete proof.

    Bill gates has openly spoken about his depopulation agenda, but we want proof that killing people with your vaccines to depopulate the world is bad.

    Melinda Gates says the first round of vaccines will be for health workers and then black people have to be given vaccines before others. But the dumb #BLM activists don't have issues with blacks being used as lab rats by the same people that committed mass genocide in Africa against them through their vaccines. instead they played right into these guys hands and did exactly what they want

    There's so much evidence out there. But I'll stop here for now
    Alicia likes this.
  20. Ok. Then argue against a chip with the digital certificate. The method of a
    So if this is true, why do you believe they would give that same vaccine to healthcare workers? Are they trying to wipe out the healthcare workers?