The Great Purge of 2017 - Last Chance to Grab These Items!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Pots and jobs
  2. Some of the items do not stay in the show case like rose, vip band, zolt and etc...
    If you taken them all away can you change settings so every item in the store can stay in the show case please?
    would be nice to be able to keep them all for memorys?

    Thank you in advance ?
  3. this! current pots are kinda super useless after t7 lcbc stats
  4. Lock my post
  5. Dont get rid of the rose gift  I will cry.
  7. For a second I thought you guys were using my purge hunt idea, don’t tease me like that ATA??‍♀️
  8. The gif at the end??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ y’all play all day

  11. (¯―¯٥)
  12. Please stop
  13. Aka a legends' birthday
  14. I received 3 anime pillows, but it’s not reflecting im my items/inventory. Can anyone help?
  15. They aren't showcase items I guess
  17. Can anyone send me a blinging flamingo pro please? Ty!
  18. Well. I m not happy. Especially the quiver n Arrow. We have purchased the packs for the privilege in sending those items.
  19. Need to make every gift available for showcase.. just saying.

    Maybe make the roses and stuff show up in showcase before it ends?

  20. A few more color dates would be cute instead of just blurple and pink ?