The Great Purge of 2017 - Last Chance to Grab These Items!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Don't remove Rose, Teddy, kiss, ring & box chocolates :(
    If you are taking it away.. Atleast let it stay in the showcase as reminder.. Some of those items doesn't show in showcase.
  3. Support AF
  4. Noooo, not the roses!! The roses must stay!! 
  5. Thats all the gifts the removing lmao
  6. Since you’re on it...can you also purge potty porta, horse mask and festive boots drops from parties?
  7. Let’s just go the whole hog shall we ..... also remove crackers the gold fish capsule piglet baby capsule croc plush minion and replace with something more interesting
  8. ICE CORES aren't dropping @ATA
  9. I haven't had most of these gifted to me yet ?
  10. O kinda looking forward to the new gifts tbh
  11. What about those unicorns.. I'll miss you Charlene... :(
  12. First y'all remove the trout, now gonna remove the diamond rings?? ATA you're seriously killing me here
  13. unironic support. yes please.
  14. It's so weird that when you start the game the only thing you can do are Jobs, when really Partying is where it's at. Yeah, let's nuke 'em.
  15. okay, i take away my support for you. make them hit someone off battle list during tutorial instead of jobs, thx
  16. Yes pls make a new thong
  17. make an item design contest tbh B)
  18. If jobs were updated and balanced like people want them to be; no.
    But LCBC isn't below 1mcs anymore and 12m isn't a substantial amount of cash, so simply creating more jobs, changing the difficulty and payou curves, etc. Would make them a viable part of pimd.

    The reason they suck is neglect. They already had a story to them before even introducing "stories". Jobs could have and still can provide the backbone and narrative behind levelling up on pimd.

    Nobody thinks jobs are just all bad because of anything particular about them, it's just they've been neglected by the developers to the point of redundancy.
  19. & yes. Hitting BL should be introduced and encouraged as well as pressing the smiley face in BL which nobody ever does when playing pimd.

    That smiley face in BL is the most unused and redundant feature of pimd.
  20. @Bruce Can you look at new offensive and defensive, one time use items aka pots, relative to current stats ? :D