The great Janpanse time Rp 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *black-crimson (01), Feb 16, 2013.

  1. (I change to who is that)
  2. Kagome:-turns around as she hears someone- Hello!?
  3. Quen: sweet tea leafs
  4. Tsubaki: Okay. May you want so sweets to? Music or dance?
  5. Slides out unseen-
  6. (I don't understand that 0.0)
  7. Kagome:-sighs and walks inside the palece-
  8. (understand what? She askes if he wants her to play an instrumen and sing for him under the tea sermony or if he would like her to dance for him)
  9. Yoru:-is in the wood-
  10. Quen: dance would be fine
  11. Walks out- now I must find the emperor...
  12. Tsubaki:-nobs- this way.. -she leads him into a room and makes a good made tea and pulls some sweets on the tabil- here...
  13. (funny, the role of the emperor has not been takend )
  14. Quen: thank you-sips some of the tea-
  15. Tsubaki: -smiles softly and stand up and starts to dance and sing a tradisenal-
  16. Quen: -watches her dance and listens to the song-
  17. Tsubaki: -smiles softly as she dance and sings. Moveing perfectly and magical as her voice filds the air like silver bells-
  18. Runs to the palace-
  19. Empress Kagome:-is in her room fiksing her hair-
  20. Walks inside-