The great Janpanse time Rp 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *black-crimson (01), Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Kagome: Where? -turns to the servit-

    Servit: we was not givend that info. You are the only royel here now. Please exsuse me. -walks off, leaveing the emperess alone-
  2. Quen: -wanders through the woods-
  3. Assasin creed time!)

    -climbs up the rear of the palace-
  4. Kagome:-sipps her tea in silens-

    Tsbaki:-walks out ready for costumers-
  5. Hyogo: -sits under a tree-
  6. Quen: -enters the town quietly not seen by anyone-
  7. Sees the customers through the roof window-
  8. Kagome:-starts to sing a lovely song-

    Tsubaki: I hope I get a costumer today...
  9. Hyogo:-sits in silence-
  10. Jumps down and hides self within the customers-
  11. (Where is Tsubaki?)
  12. (tsubaki is in a tea house run by gashias and kagome is in the royel palece)
  13. Hyogo:-watches leaves fall from the trees-
  14. Hides in the shadows-
  15. Quen: -walks inside the tea house-
  16. Hyogo:-sighs and keeps watching-
  17. Kagome:-gos over to a tree and looks up in thods-

    Tsubaki: -walks into the hallway of the tea house-
  18. Spots quin- dammit...rouge
  19. (/)_- umm Sean no one knows he is a rogue ninja because no one has ever seen his face in person)
  20. Tsubaki:-sees him and walks over to him- Welcome. Are you here for a tea sermore and what would you like to be there?