Tsubaki:-smiles and takes him back to the tea house. Once there she opens the door to her bedroom and pulls him inside. Closes the door and kisses him deeply-
Tsubaki:-smiles and pulls her kimono off- (timeskip here) Sasuke:-laughts and grabbs his attackers neck hard- ... Thats just sweet, im flatterd.
Sasuke:-he ignors them and tightens the gripp on his targets neck-.... I wish I dident have to kill you... But you leave me no choise...
Go ahead....kill the one person that treated u like a brother! The one person that kept u company when ur clan was slaughterd!
Tsubaki: Thank you.. It was my forst but it wasent all that painfull. -she smiles- Sasuke:-his smile dissepers, closes and opens his eyes slowlly. His eyes has now return to normal-.... No... I will not. -he pushes him agenst a tree and bites him again at the same place, but this time softly-
Sasukeulls back. The secon bite has healed the first he made- ... Shame on you.. Heartless leader.. -he starts to walk off-