The great Janpanse time Rp 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *black-crimson (01), Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Walks bak to the tree-
  2. Sasuke:-Claps as he staps out of the shadow where he has been watching him- Impresive for a traitor.
  3. Stops- I kno that voice...sasuke...
  4. Turns around-
  5. Kagome: Im just abit uneasy. Im sure it is nothing.

    Tsubaki: -Finish her's- .... Have you ever hated someone you really should love?
  6. Sasuke: Long time no see... So how have you been.. My friend. -Smirks-
  7. Quen: -nods-

    Itsuki: lay down
  8. Tsubaki:.. So have I...

    Kagome:.. Hai (yes) .. -she lays down-
  9. I am no friend of urs....not anymore
  10. Wat r u here for?
  11. Quen: main reason why I am like this
  12. Tsubaki: Who is the one you hate that you should really love?

    Sasuke: Even you are smart enough to know what.
  13. Takes out dagger- answer me!
  14. Quen: who was not who is the one I hate
  15. U are not to touch the emperor! He is mine!
  16. Sasuke: hahaha.. So you are gonna backstabb the Empror? Back off.... Revenge is mine!

    Tsubaki: Huh? I dont understand that...
  17. Quen: the one I hated who I should had loved is dead already
  18. He ordered my execution! As soon as this war is over I will kill him and u!
  19. Sasuke: Still angry about me killing your lover? -grins-

    Tsubaki:... Oh... Mine is still alive..
  20. Quen: who should that be?