The Great Egg Hunt Top 200/3000

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. This is so not fair with mercs, they are not even eorking for their baskets, just going for LBH
  2. All you do is Complain PIMD guy. Mercing is part of the game, If you dont like it. Tough.

  3. A lot of clubs call for LBH on campus so people come help out.. If you don't want mercs earlier in party, lock club door. Pretty simple..
  4. Still in top 200 
  5. @Jortdzy LBH are called when their club is struggling or can't complete a party so they are actually helping and do work for it they just don't want to wait the 15 min to start a new party over and over again.
  6. The first place is obviously a rich person buying Hypnocats and CCing whenever he wants jk.
  7. Updateupdateupdate! 
  8. Devs don't you know you aren't allowed a vacation? D< feed our demands!
  9.  so true 
  10. They must have locked both PimD_C AND PimD in the basement this time..
  11. Last I heard pimd had pimd_c distracted with the internet, himself must have also got distracted. 
  12. I wanna knooowww if I finally made it in top 3000 or how much I need 
  13. You most likely ARE in the Top 3000 Rainbow! ️

    That's just based of yesterday's and the day before's count.

    Hope that helped a bit!
  14. I hope they update this soon ,_,
  15. ATA Update please!!!! ?
  16. Anyone ever hear "patients is a virtue" no.. Clearly not. Calm your asses it will be updsted.
  17. Patience is against my religious beliefs 

    Especially since updates are typically once every 24 hours and it's now been 28 

    I vote we fire Pimd_C! 