the grand musty

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fapper, Mar 24, 2019.

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  1. x-posed

    do u have any credible sources to back up ur claims? asking so i can write it in my pimd newspaper.
  2. ...i know no one was talking about me. this is a public forum and i wanted to know what pug meant. your metaphor makes no sense, or perhaps you aren't articulating it well. and like purg said, she is female.
  3. Plus fallacy ad hominem.
  4. tmi 
  5. screenshots of messages from third party apps don't really count as proof. defamation is also a no go. stop throwing this word around so much.
  6. you're the one that introduced menstruation to the conversation.
  7. ex “claiming you’re a big dawg, nah you is a pug” how can you not know what pug is or slightly has no clue what reference was too. Is okay tho all sorted let’s talk trash lol
  8. yeah but didn’t had to be that specific could’ve said no that’s it lmao
  9. or close your eyes? that works?
  10. you suggested she was currently on bleeding. you brought up the scheduling.
  11. Wow, I can’t believe I read all of this. Someone supply me with a life pls
  12. o i wasnt serious about it.
  13. What if Tuesday is Wednesday’s alt? ?
  14. I give up ?
  15. wednesday is friends w some ppl in tgj so i dont think so.
  16. F
  17. Wait, none of you know what I'm talking about?
  18. none of us get habitually silenced on dozens of alts. :(
  19. It’s a joke
  20. I feel like the word "racist" gets thrown around a lot. An entire club of people isn't automatically racist because of a few people or a majority. It's individuality.
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