The FIRST Annual Noob War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Count me in 
  2. Count me in
  3. 11 kcs I want to war
  4. (81kcs) interested! but i hope im not busy at that time, keep me updated please:)
  5. 128kcs I would like to join in
  6. Being 200kcs and less isn't going to help the noobs. I suggest you gather a team of players whom have lots of experience in war to help guide the noobies. You can let the hit in the war, or maybe get volunteers who can just be there to help without actually actively participating.

    Having only you and your friend to teach the noobs isn't the best idea, because there are many techniques to warring. You need to be able to give them different methods.

    I support the idea, but it think you need a little more to make this really work and benefit the noobs.