The FIRST Annual Noob War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. never mind
  2. Count me in
  3. 21 or 22 kcs whens the date?
  4. The wissies vs. The creeps haha lol. Not affencive because I THINK you will choose to be in.
  5. *Wussies lol
  6. ️bump! I'll help if you need. friends with creamy 
  7. Noobless vs noobies
    I'm 79 kcs
  8. count me in for the war!! 80kcs here!
  9. 200kcs is not noob. 
    You guys are over-defining noob. The PiMD completely changed the definition of noob. It's sad.
  10. Ya I'm the real definition of a noob so I would love to be in the war if you still got spots open I'm only 33 Kcs and I don't care what the names are
  11. Whens the date
  12. All day, every day
  13. 400k cs either side woks
  14. Woks as in works an yeah i read the rules
  15. I've never been into a war so im kinda interested. 100kcs 
  16. You mean "My friend and I...”
  17. open volley -BAD-TROUBLE_MAKER- 50B wall me when done
  18. I am 426Kcs so I can join But Support an Bump
  19. 77kcs ; exp vs unexp