The FIRST Annual Noob War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. 63 kcs 
  2. Im a noobbut im not 200kcs
  3. 120kcs any side 

    wait when is the war?
  4. [Color=red[ Them Vs. Us and im 22kcs [/Color]
  5. Them Vs. Us and im 22kcs
  6. im a noob but not 200kcs guess i cnt join 'oh well'
  7. Signing up :D 60 something kcs
  8. I'll join. I'm 115kcs.
    Experienced vs. Inexperienced
  9. Hmm…sounds interesting.


    Experienced Vs. Unexperienced.
  10. im like 6kcs and experinced vs unexperienced
    me on experenced, just reset meh account XD
  11. I guess im the smallest 9kcs but i still want to war 
  12. Nvm other smaller peeps 
  13. The_Chosen_Few is Drew
  14. I'M only 15kcs but I want to know how to war so I'll join