The FIRST Annual Noob War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by l0l-Kelon-l0l, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. can there be a first annual?
  2. Im in, just post a reminder on my wall
  3.  i'll do it. 121kcs
  4. 24Kcs

    I'm in might UpGrade a touch
  5. I'm in unless the date conflicts with something I have going on. 106kcs, but I'll probably ug a bit before then.
  6. Less than 200kcs 0.0 plz nooo i want to be in it... im still a noob
  7. great idea
  8. Noobs vs Nooblets

    Singing up!Why not?I have nothing else to do...

    86kcs...I think?
  9. I'm In.
    120Kcs almost.
    YAY FUN. 
  10. Ill help long as timeing isnt dureing other wars i wont join just help lead
  11. I can join to help as well️
  12. I'm interested ?
    106kcs 
  13. 84 kcs I think I am ?

    Matttttth 

    Anyway I like Us vs Them

    Maybe a little war crash course as this would be my FIRST war if I do participate and if this DOES get off the ground.
  14. 60kcs dommer69
  15. I want in noob war"!