Snow:-frowns and places my hand on Ravens arm- Dear Knight... no need for harsh words... -smiles at Luna and dropps down to your level so my dress pools around me- Would you like to draw my garden little one? I think it may be wonderful to see you more often -looks at the Childs owner- You must of course watch over her more carefully though... if you don't wish to loose this darling human -sighs standing and touches Ravens cheek smiling- They break so easily...
(Okay, scratch the post about Luna walking out) Luna: -Looks at Snow- Um... -Looks at Sparrow for guidance-
Raven looks at Snow but turns her head after a few seconds. Sparrow chuckles and nods at Snow. "Thank you my Queen." Sparrow kneels down at Luna and smiles. "You can go ahead and draw, I'll join you. You may not know it by looking at me but I'm actually a decent artist."
Snow:-smiles at the two and looks at Raven- It is a darling thing... a Fae and her Human.. -leaves the two in the garden and tilts my head for Raven to follow if she pleases-
Raven follows Snow and leaves Sparrow and Luna alone. She silently look around, on high alert of attackers.
Sparrow takes out a sketching pad from her bag and a pencil and examines the flower with Luna with a bright smile.
Sparrow looks closer at it and realizes what they were based on. "Why do you have drawings of the Unseelie Court?"
Snow:-looks at Raven and sighs- They aren't here yet Dear Knight, why not go to the court room and dance to the music and with our people till dawn... Like in the olden days