The Fae (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jenni_101, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Lily:-throws a goblet at the wall screaming and grabs my hair growling as flames surround me and darkness floods out- She Escaped??!! What the Hell were you doing Ark? Sleeping?!!
  2. Scarlet:-looks at you slwoly speaking- She knows of most... Not you three... And I think I would like to keep it that way -sighs...-
  3. (You mean Snow right Smamie, sorry about the diff posts but I keep forgetting what everyone is sayin haha)
  4. ((Yeah, I meant Snow))
  5. (Mmmk)

    Snow:-tilts her head frowning as the child moves away and humms wondering if it is maybe a nightmare-
  6. Arktum: my queen i apologize…
  7. Luna: -Stays curled up- Thanks for coming to get me... -Looks up at her, my cheek scarred from Lily's claw-like nails-