The Fae (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jenni_101, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Arktum: i suppose. I must be goin back now. The lady will be quite upset if i return late - starts to walk off- and lucifer
  2. Lucifer: yes?-thinks-I wonder if I need an appointment to talk the Queen
  3. Jack:

    Runs after Ark.
  4. Arktum: -grins- tell your queen…-looks bak at lucifer with an evil smirk- i said hello -turns and walks- come jack
  5. Jack:

    Walks again, whispering to Ark. "Why'd you say that?"
  6. Lucifer: -follows after them marching-I wanna see the queen
  7. Arktum: jack. Dont question me please
  8. Arktum: sorry. Thats not possible. If you do, theres a possiblity that walking past the doors will corrupt u. No seelie mind passes with lily's knowing. She could easliy kill u
  9. (I sound so much more badass)
  10. Lucifer: -laugh still walking behind them-not possible a corrupted mind can't become more corrupted if it's already corrupted
  11. Arktum: u really didnt pay attention in the academy then
  12. Raven sighs, her mind becomes more confused after hearing what Snow said about Humans. She goes outside into her secret field, she sits down leaning against a tree. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind dancing across her face.
  13. Jack:

    "Which ones Lily again?"
  14. Lucifer: already knew all of it I just decided to corrupt myself in my own way
  15. Arktum: lily is our queen jack. -Looks at lucifer- corruption by the unseelie queen is unmatched, regardless of mental stablity. Thats law. Fact. Proven
  16. Jack:

    "And she's the good one... Right?"
  17. Arktum: in a sense
  18. Jack:

    "Explain." He says, curious.
  19. Arktum: later jack. -Walks in the castle after jack and closes the iron gates with a glove on- go home lucifer
  20. Lucifer: I guess your Queen doesn't wanna learn you set the Seelie Queen free right?