The End

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. Me? Trying? To be cool? That's a compliment cuz I wasn't trying
  2. Is oni mini?
  3. Onion is Mini.
  4. It was sarcasm Mr. WaRrIoR SpIrIt
  5. Quit making fun of my new name. :(
  6. U aren’t mini... mini was way cooler
  7. Spellcheck did it. ?
  8. I donut like onions
  9. I have a bump on my armpit wtf
  10. Let Mini R.i.P. jeez. 
  11. I will literally drive to your home and beat you.
  12. Quit stealing her lines. It's not cute when you do it. ?
  13. Screw you guys then. No more forums for me ?
  14. I can't even scroll in peace, everybody notice me
  15. Mini is Oni now?
  16. Oui
  17. I knew it! You're not Mini. Oui= no-ui
  18. What you are experiencing is called denial
  19. Thank you. I shall bully you less.