"So, like, Greg told me his deepest secret, but I can't tell you, 'cause he trusts me. And so, yeah, he's SOO hot, seriously, you can't imagine.." I did not know that under all that skill lay such an annoying little creature that possessed the qualities of a hormone-crazed teenager. "...are you still with me, Li?" Sara asked, peering at me from her bed, which she was lying down on. "Hmm?" I grunted, glancing at her. Her big blue orbs stared back at mine, and she sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I'll stop. You're probably sick of hearing about Greg." she said pointedly. "Erm-of course not!" I shot up, and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes at this, "I can tell when you're lying." she checked her purple watch, "It's five minutes till bedtime." she chimed. I nodded and got up of my bed. I escaped to the hallway and brushed my teeth, rinsing and gurgling. After, a nurse approached me and handed me my medicine, which I took with reluctance. I kept the pills concealed under my tongue, running back to my room before it melted. Heaving unto the trash can, I spat it out, my saliva trickling down the plastic container. As I got up, I turned to see Sara staring at me with a shocked expression. "Oh, ****." I said, swearing, "I'm used to being alone. Ignore that." I stood up and wobbly went to my bed. The wooden frame creaked as lay down, pulling the covers over my head. Before I could even say good night, the lights automatically shut off, and I was enveloped in darkness. It was quiet for a few moments, the only sounds our steady breathing. "...Li...?..." I grunted, "Yes, Sara?" I heard her timid voice as it echoed throughout the room, "...do you hate this place?" I gritted my teeth, "Yes." "Do you want to leave?" she whispered. I took a few moments before answering. Did I want to leave? Leave this horrid, yet secure, environment? "Yes." She paused, taking a deep breath, "I see. Well, good night, Li." I didn't time to question her sudden curiosity for my eyelids dropped and I drifted off the sleep. --- "She's insane!" "Get a hold of her!" "What's WRONG with her?!" What's wrong with me? What's wrong with ME?! Don't ask me. Ask that stupid man who murdered my pack. I wrestled only harder, struggling against the nurses' grasp. "Pathetic." one of the nurses whispered, and I flashed at her a threatening glare. "I heard she murdered someone's whole family," another nurse hissed and I growled. Who did they think they are? Murdered someone's family?! THEY murdered MY family! "LET ME GO!" I screamed, "LET ME GO, LET ME GO!" I thrusted and pulled, but my attempts were futile. I have no idea how these nurses suddenly got super strength, but they were able to resist me. "Serum! Get the serum!" I heard the words, and my brain processed them. This was my last chance. Last chance before they got me for good. Last chance before- "ARGH!" I recoiled, and a needle pursed through my skin. "NO!...No!....no....!....?" my thoughts struggled to stay awake but the serum was too strong for my body to resist. I slumped against the arms of the nurses, and my mind finally shut down. "...my pack..." --- "Li?" My dream still pursed through my mind that I couldn't escape from it. "Li?" The voice sounded distant; a thousand miles away. "LI!" "Ah!" I jolted up and found myself staring at Sara, who was gripping my shoulders tightly. "Sara...?" She shook me frantically, "Are you okay?! You were screaming.." "I'm okay..." I murmured. That was when I noticed what she was wearing. I know it's pretty cold, but unitards? Really? Even I know it's unfashionable. "What are you wearing?" I Blurted out. She glanced dismissively at her outfit, shrugging and smiling slyly. "You're going to wear one too," she answered back, standing up and dusting herself up. "Wait-what?" I stood up too, too fast that I flew back down. Sara smirked and twisted her hair into a tight ponytail. "You said you wanted out. I'll get you out." You probably expected more. I'm sorry! I CANNOT believe how busy I am. Seriously.