the dark barcodes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. fuck you the brotherhood will destroy you
  2. That's legit obvii
  3. That 1000t so legit
  4. Suck it.
  5. you will suffer
  6. like your faking
  7. You want to buy a cat am I right? :lol:
  8. DV me pls.
  9. Awwwwww op posting with a 10/4 alt. :lol: where's your main?
  10. My faking what? Don't you mean *you're. Like you're sooooo correct.
  11. *Snap in a triangle formation* Do you need an ice pack for that burn?
  12. check the barcode supremacy you party bitch
  13. you will cry ebola next week
  14. Oh god quickly
  15. Wrong, I obviously have Ebola already.
  16. Op suck it! I'm selling cats to people now! Come at me bruh!fight me!
  17. :lol:
  18. Awww, you mean the club Yall look the same in? I dunno, bring your main to my newsfeed, and we'll talk about who's the bitch in this situation. 
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