"What is with you?" Asked Jessica the next morning. We had stopped over at the daycare that morning to see Daniel. "Didn't you say you didn't want to get involved with Dante yesterday?" Asked Daniel. "You are so confusing. What do you really want?" "It's hard to explain," I said quietly. "We're your friends," said Jessica. "Tell us. Frankly I'm concerned. Has he done something to you?" "Well... kind of." "What does kind of mean?" Asked Daniel. He frowned and took a seat in the chair next to him. "He and I made a deal..." "Deal?" Jessica frowned now too. I bit my lip. I hesitated before I looked at both of them. "He said that if he and I dated publicly he would... he said he would help my mother and try to make her as comfortable as she could ever dream." Neither of them spoke. "I see. So it was for your mother?" Asked Daniel. "It's sweet of you to think about her, but did you have to go this far?" "This arrangement benefits the both of us so why not go along with it? I may be selfish but I don't want my mother to leave just yet. I'm not ready to say goodbye..." "Helena..." whispered Daniel and he reached out to me. Before he did a screech came from the hallways and it startled all three of us. "What was that?" Asked Jessica. We could hear a whole bunch of screams and voices from the halls. Jessica peeked her head out of the daycare and she immediately turned to look at me. "Your boyfriend is here!" "What?!" said both Daniel and I. I stood up and ran to the door. "Helena?!" "I will be right back," I said to him and I smiled at the both of them. "It'll take a second." Dante noticed me and he frowned. He stopped walking but as he did he ended ring surrounded by students. Girls were screaming and guys were asking for autographs. I walked over to him and he pushed himself through the crowd. "It's her," said one girl. "Why is she here?" asked another. "Isn't it obvious?" asked Dante. He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. "I'm here to see my amazing girlfriend," he said and he softly kissed the top of my head. My face grew hot and I forced a smile. Many of the female population glared at me and I suddenly felt uneasy. Did he notice this or was he oblivious? "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing," I said quietly. "You look a little distressed. Does my presence make you that uncomfortable?" "It's not you." "Then there is something." "Never mind. It doesn't concern you. Anyways... what brings you here at my school before my classes?" "I wanted to take you out today." "But I have classes in a few minutes." "It's fine. I already settle things with the secretary. She told me we're still young and she understands. She's excused you from your morning and afternoon classes. Be grateful." "Grateful? I love school." "I don't care. You're spending today with me." "I don't understand." "Something came up and my manager is making me hold a press conference. You need to be there too." "Okay," I said. "Why do you sound surprised. This sort of thing was apart of our deal." "I know..." "Well then. Get used to this. This won't be the only press conference held in the time that we need to remain as a couple for the public." "Alright." "Prepare yourself." "I understand." And I did understand what was going to happen.
The press conference room was a lot larger than expected. There was a large table at the front where he and I would sit and a bunch of microphones in front of us. There were rows of more than a hundred chairs that filled a good 85% of the room. "Wow..." "You weren't expecting this?" asked Dante. "No I wasn't. It's huge... and I'm not very big crowd kind of person," I said softly. I frowned and I sighed. "I guess I'll have to get used to it..." He didn't say anything my. He then turned to look at me and he looked rather serious. "I-is something wrong?" "Yesterday when you hung up on me... I honestly didn't think that you-" "Pardon me, but Mister Anderson, the press conference will begin shortly. We're bringing the press in now," interrupted a man in a dark suit. "Okay," replied Dante. When the man left I looked at him. "What were you going to say?" I asked him. "Nothing. Don't worry about it," he said and he sat down. "Sit down Helena and prepare yourself. They may ask questions that you may find uncomfortable but you have to be able to answer them without showing any signs of weakness. Do you understand?" I nodded. "Yes. "Don't underestimate me when I tell you that there will be questions that you won't like. There will probably be many questions you may not want to answer but you will have to answer accordingly and not get upset." "What kind of questions will they..." Before I could ask, the doorman let the press in and we both sat down. There were camera flashes at every corner as the crowd of reporters flooded into the room. "Dante-" He placed his hand over mine, but it wasn't out of any sort of kindness. It was to show that we were a couple in love and the press loved it. When everyone settled Dante stood up and spoke into the microphone. "Welcome people of the press. I am happy to have my second press conference today. Especially since I've brought someone new. Please welcome my girlfriend, Helena Peters." There were even more camera flashes and I found it hard to keep my eyes open as the flashes were almost blinding. "We will be happy to answer any questions from the press," said Dante and he sat down again. I took a deep breath and Dante leaned over to whisper in my ear. "They will most likely attack you first so prepare yourself now." Silence. "Are you prepared?" he asked. I nodded. "Good," he said and he leaned back over. "Miss Peters!" Came a voice from the crowd. "Yes?" "Is it true you are only sixteen years old? Are you sixteen this year or turning seventeen?" "I'm turning seventeen," I said. "Are you happy dating a star like Dante Anderson?" asked another. "Yes. I never thought I'd fall in love with someone famous. It never occurred to me that a star would even look at someone like me." "I think everyone was surprised," laughed another reporter. He smiled and the room filled with smiles and laughter. "Dante, is it true that you are still in contact with your ex girlfriend?" Right... Leann Halestone. I had to wonder, was he still in love with her? She had broken it off with him as soon as the photo of him and I was released. "Leann? No. She was just another good memory before I met Helena. I loved her..." he said softly. He paused and then he cleared his throat. "But it's over now." That pause made my heart flop. He loved her... but he couldn't be with her. It was similar to my situation as well. I loved Daniel, but because I was technically in a relationship, I wouldn't be able to be with him until I was out. How long was I to be with him? I couldn't remember. "We'll it's a good thing you two found each other then." "Yes it is," said Dante and he smiled at me. I forced smile back. "I'm glad to have found him as well. I don't think I've loved someone this much before." Many more questions were asked and I was able to answer all of the ones directed at me accordingly. It was going a lot better than I thought it would. "Miss Peters. Is it true your mother is dying of cancer?" asked a serious voice. Somehow I knew that was coming but even though Dante had told me... I wasn't prepared for it. I wanted to say something but nothing came out. I forced an obvious fake smile. "Say something," hissed Dante under his breath and he squeezed my hand. "She is unwell," I said quietly. "Is it true you and Dante are only in this relationship for publicity? It has recently been reported that Dante had been fixed in an arranged marriage until the photo of you and him was released." Dante's face looked irritated and mine grew pale. What was I going to say? What was he going to say? "It seems pretty suspicious. It would be to Dante's advantage to get out of an arranged marriage if he found some other person's weakness and used it. For example, sending your mother into private care?" There was silence between Dante and I and then he stood up and pulled me up beside him. He put his arm around his waist and with the other hand, picked up the microphone and brought it to his lips. "That is an outrageous speculation. We are both in love an praying hard for her mother's success. I'm sorry, we'll have to leave the conference at that," he said and he grabbed my arm and forced me out of the press room. He was angry... that much I could tell...