The Celebrity and Me

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CallMeNoona, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Wall me when updated PLEASE!!!
  2. Post more read all in 30 minutes need more team Dante.
  3. I didn't read it
  4. Bump!! I hope you can update soon.
  5. Omg it's been a year and the first thing I did when I opened this app was check this story lol. Please update!
  6. bump???? its been a year maybe she gave up on this story :'(
  7. when are u gonna update
  8. I chose Dante and if you have time you can write both storys like maybe she ended up with dante and people wanna see daniel so badly you can do him too if you get me?
  9. BUMP Please update :)
  10. Update this story!
  11. I dont think shes gonna update because her lat update was back in January
  12. She is probably having writers block or concentration on another story. And I agree. Write a dual story for the Dante Team and Daniel Team. It would make everyone happy. But now that I have read it, I'm up for Team Dante. It will be amazing if he fell for her and she fell for him. I also, think that this ex-girlfriend of his should make an appearance in the near future. It would be interesting to see what will happen.
  13. I just read the while thing, and this is absolutely amazing! please please please continue it!
  14. Read this whole story. It's amazing, better than the ones I've read on here. I know it must be difficult to update, but if you can update anytime soon, that'd be awesome! :)