EVENT The Bosky Man

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Many have tried and doesn't work 🙃
    Prinzjoker likes this.
  2. Ok so we need to hit players who r 1/4 of our size. Good enough 🤦
  3. And this is why we save our dns, kids. For absurd times like this. 🖐🏼🥲
    nixi3, MrsRight4Him and Synthia like this.
  4. Those three triangular wall sticks look familiar:..
    xXreiaXx likes this.
  5. Throw the whole damn hunt away. Nobody understands pvp and everybody be throwing out false info so other ppl spread it and you got idiots being idiots left and right 🙄
  6. But this is incorrect I have bats stolen from me and I can still gain more. However im not getting bats from People I should be getting them from. I’m only getting them from people around 1/4th my stats
    Scr3ampuff likes this.
  7. I am 42mcs and I am hitting as low as 15mcs but I still don't get any bats. What am I doing wrong?
    Prinzjoker likes this.
  8. Nahh this is where you say fuck pvp. You save dns for black friday promo
    Scr3ampuff, ToucanJan, nixi3 and 5 others like this.
  9. 😂😂
    Scr3ampuff likes this.
  10. Okay so, from getting NONE all day I finally cracked it for myself, the 1/4 stat thing rings mostly true, but the catch is the lower you are the narrower of a range youre going to have, so As a 17mcs I can ONLY get bats from people 4.7mcs-5.5mcs, Thats a VERY small window considering some 60+mcs have a range of 12-25mcs+ (rough example)

    So for bigger stats its easier to find your "sweet spot" and at my stats I get a 1mcs difference

    So below 4.5ish mcs I simply am too big to land, & above 5.5mcs it wont payout bats for me, I know this because EVERYONE I've hit within that range has given me bats but the 5.7mcs I hit and above gave me didly squat, hope this helps someone, looks like you really gotta search for your personal "sweet spot" which is hella annoying :')
  11. I’m 60-ish mcs and I still couldnt get anything from 15-ish mcs and this is just weird that we have to look for smaller stats to hit lol
    Cyn likes this.
  12. Okay so I can’t get bats from people who are the same stats as me and higher? They have to be 1/4 my stats? This is frustrating and I’ve already spent like 8 dns in the 40 minutes I’ve played today.
  13. tbh when it comes to being that big iunno what advice to give you besides start at the lowest you can hit & go up from there until you take bats from someone & once you get those bats note that persons stats and feel out your range from there, sorry this pvp hunt is such a mess, I've done previous ones and it's NEVER been this bad smdh
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and nixi3 like this.
  14. His rs being bigger than him would make smaller ppl not able to hit even though he has literally no misc.
    Same. 70mcs here and no small stats or higher stats give me anything. I’ve been hitting ppl with different mcs - small and big - and so far haven’t been able to steal even 1 single bat.
    Scr3ampuff likes this.
  15. EDIT: I found a 8mcs I was able to hit and it’s just sad that a 70mcs has to find such a small hitable player to steal from for it to work.
    GothThot likes this.
  16. Why the story pass drops so low from invities? 140 seriously? And that's from the hardest party
    KittySoftPaws likes this.
  17. Done over 150 hits all ranges still not one god dam
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and Scr3ampuff like this.
  18. I need to hit 10mcs to steal bats. I’m 70mcs.. that’s 1/7 my own size. Even just 20mcs is too “high” for me to steal. Try the smallest possible players that you can hit. It’s seriously dumb.