EVENT The Bosky Man

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. "Strange idols"
    Alicia, RAVING, Cherry and 1 other person like this.
  2. I will never ever grow tired of these hunts 😍
    renamed28523 likes this.
  3. Eh, it's okay. The dorm has some nice details as well as some of the avis. I'm just not feeling it this time around.
  4. Osm furnitures and ava not bad✍️
  5. This one seems fun !❤️
  6. Well I’m always a sucker for a decent horror hunt 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Shaybear86 likes this.
  7. Meh, I can't complain of the avis 🤷🏻‍♂️either way the main story avi I'll like, but I don't like these kind of Hunts. I like the female avi with the big heart. Finally I don't have a reason to complain about the male avis.
  8. Yes dope ass avi, finally some creature like ones with good art and not some cliche human face lol
  9. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Glitch? I've sucessfully hit people with Bats and gotten nothing.
  10. The furnis look more like the bedroom of an edgy teen going thru a satanist antichrist phase who also hates their parents cuz they dont show them much love and they prolly also shops at michaels for halloween decoration and think they’re cool and scary. And is probably so insecure about themselves that their personality and interests come off to be fake and disingenuous because they really have no personality traits whatsoever
    Riego, Detention, -May- and 3 others like this.
  11. "GREAT HUNT" I can't even get bats when I hit people. "AMAZING" 0/100. Just like always. Bug galore.
    Detention, -_WfPk_-MsB, Noen and 5 others like this.
  12. Awesome! PvP hunt woooo!
  13. Okay, but why tho
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg likes this.
  14. How tf does the pvp shit work? Everybody saying I'm too weak even though I got energy, smdh
    Noen, Synthia and -May- like this.
  15. That 499 is my entire life😩😩😩😩
  16. Ata im getting people say they hitting people but the person is losing cash not bats and the person hitting isnt getting any bats
    _Justice_, Synthia, nixi3 and 10 others like this.
  17. You got pritty much no misc stats. Theres more to pvp then base stats
  18. It's bugged right now by the looks. They also might not be in the stat range that's able to hit you
    Synthia, -May- and RaineBear like this.
  19. Whoever wished for more “scary” or “gruesome” hunts…see you in hell.
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and Xara like this.