EVENT The Bosky Man

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Anyways I love pvp hunts I just get lazy and give up, the amount of dns I use isn’t worth the lb prize. I guess people don’t realize there wasn’t always actually parties/clubs here, or are just unaware that this game was primarily pvp when it started
  2. Thanks bestie
    HaBaek likes this.
  3. Previous PvP hunts: People don't hit you unless you specifically state you want to be hit

    This hunt: People hit you when you're sleeping as if you're in SFW and they are, like, really on your ass

    ...Why? What's different this hunt? What happened to leaving people alone, especially when they've been keeping to themselves? Also, what the hell is up with people farming someone even harder after they peace-tag? You get so offended that you blow money on a worthless part of a game just to attack somebody you don't even know and why? Because they didn't sell something to you or they told you to take your roleplay stuff to pub chat? 🥴 What's the point? Some weird power trip because you feel all big and bad spending hundreds of dollars on DNs and then hours awake at night trying to figure out when they're offline so you can farm them

    I dunno, I just think PvP is pretty dumb, especially when there aren't any real rules about it, like, I could go out and just declare SFW on the first person I see in campus just because and tell them cf is all their hard-earned stats. That's not very fair, is it? They weren't, necessarily, doing anything wrong, so why should they be punished? It's weird how often I think about this and nobody else seems to.

    I also think PvP is pretty dumb because the rewards for it are just so minuscule compared to fairy rewards. I mean, the PvP part had one whole side story with, like, three stats and then a lb with, like, three small stats and a larger stat... And you already have to blow DNs to get to the 18 notched bats mark, when you could just as easily party, using little to no DNs, and get way more stats that way. 🤷 And then you have regular hunts where PvP has zero rewards other than that weird power trip XD
  4. If you have bats I want them. It’s as simple as that. If you don’t want me to have your bats you better combine them before AFK/Offline or PT. Simple. Easy.
    Alyson, Hag, -P_M-Juss_Swagg and 5 others like this.
  5. It’s just a part of the pvp hunt, people are hitting because you get a lot more bats from hitting someone than you do from hitting a party, also the pvp lb is similar to the main one with the t10 999, cats and stat items for t500 and up. There aren’t many pvp hunts so let the people that enjoy pvp have a hunt for once you aren’t losing any money or energy so I don’t see the problem 😊
  6. I really hate the PVP part too. It is annoying and I start to loose the fun on the whole game. Also it would be much more fun if you could choose to join the pvp or just to stay out of it.

    BTW I was raised to not steal anything and I stay true to that. I know this is a game but sometimes habits get formed out of this.
    So is it really a good thing to tell players it is okay to steal?
    MyKittyLoveYourPeach likes this.
  7. I don’t like PvP too but write on status to ask before being hit if you don’t want to, I saw some does that. But yeah at least you don’t loose anything else then bat. And if you really don’t want to be hit, spend your energy until 0 to stay dtw.
    But yeah I agree some make you being farm for nothing sometimes only because they are more powerful than you, some exemples:
    - Got farmed once by someone because I muted him on club chat because he was creating drama with his friend.
    - Got farmed once by someone because I told to multiple people what was POTD instead of leading them to forum to GoddessHailey’s post and that he was arguing about that spamming on my wall.

  8. Still have monster bats but hitters aren't getting any, what's going on?