EVENT The Bosky Man

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Well one thing Kefo and I agree with is that “shut up and go away” is fully stupid. I personally think it’s just an ego trip. OH AND! Again, you did not read my damn post.

    I am not complaining about this hunt. I know how to pvp and have been helping ppl with it, literally my wall has ppl asking me to hit and vice versa.

    Sooooo, not reading my post and judging me quickly with assumptions seems like a personal problem. Just cuz you’re a “well known member” doesn’t mean your post wasn’t hypocritical. Apparently also doesn’t dismiss you from condescension and a dumb sense of moral superiority. Lemme guess, I’m “triggered.” 😱 Oh no I CARE about something!? How horrible.

    I actually have talked to you thru other accs and you’re a lot nicer when you’re trying to impress your fans. Just cuz you’re popular, doesn’t mean you’re right.

    Done with anyone except Kefo cuz at least he can stay on topic 😂
  2. The de
    That isn't how it's supposed to work and isn't normally the case. The devs releasing lots of items with high stats without balancing them properly has lead to it being more prevalent, though. One of the biggest crimes they committed against the pvp community, the single biggest way in which they fucked over that aspect of the game was by making it unfair in that way. My advocacy definitely sticks up for them. Pvp being so ugly and unattractive due to whales collecting tonnes of items and becoming invincible is precisely the problem.

    I'm not defending that aspect. That is the reasons you and others are against pvp and that is why it is broken, exclusive, and being pushed to the margin. It needs to be balanced but the devs not paying it the proper attention is why things are like this and pvp isn't as fun as it should be.
  3. In that case I full agree! And I realize my example is an extreme, but it’s really hard to side with ATA when they do so little to care for the extremes. Watching scammers get a pass is a whole other reason I don’t have much respect for ATA but that’s not what we’re talking about. I’d LOVE to play pvp if it was more balanced, I’m a fairy but I can take hits and roll with it. I’m also super enjoying this hunt (now that they fixed who you could hit 🥴). But I also remember the first time I was put in sfw. Just because I talked to this (I hate this word but) crazy person that put me in sfw, all the fun of the game was taken away from me and most ppl didn’t care. I was dealing with a rl family emergency and lost my club and I lost my little world of fun escape. I’m so so soooo lucky Pride came in with the save.

    I really appreciate the clarification. I don’t know what ppl mean of you being a different “breed” but unfortunately a lot of what I’ve seen you write is pretty antagonist and purposely insulting to fairies. I judged you without enough info and you gave me a gracious reply. Just maybe have the same consideration for fairies. We all have different reasons to play and being called weak and other shht isn’t gonna help you 😅 Thx 💛
  4. But you arnt on topic. You are just bitching about kefo bitching. The topic of this thread is the new hunt. Not bitching about people
    Muschi and HaBaek like this.
  5. Ata give me furnitures when I open boxes please
    MtnDewMe likes this.
  6. Lololol bro Why would they do that because then you Wouldn't spending you more money on opening boxes
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  7. Very much read all of your posts. And you very much so are off topic and have personal problems, which again, should be taken to PM/out of a forum topic which is very much public.

    And about staying on topic…yet you’re sat here talking “weLL KnoWN mEmBer” bs from forums which is easily obtained through liked posts in a matter of a day 😂

    Judging me with assumptions and a forum title- 😳 then saying I’m judging you harshly. Well then. Clearly your off topic hatred for Kefo and well-known members is beyond the scope of your forum posts this far. Good day 😙
    DinosAreTheOldestCars and Muschi like this.
  8. Try opening a furniture box.
    Phobia likes this.
  9. So can we not use peace tags during this cause of PVP?
  10. No many are using PT still 💜 so they can flash and obtain the combineable bats through parties over PVP
    Champagne and Muschi like this.
  11. Why the actual hell is the 999 in molly corner now? That takes away the fun from the PVP leaderboard. Stupid money grab decision.
  12. Oh I just realized that’s the 999 from the lbs, isn’t it? I wonder how that will affect the market. I thought it was interesting that you’d only pay 999 for something that would cost more if they were individually bought with ecs for those who do that but idk maybe more players will think like you. There’s still other things that will probably never be available to be bought in Molly’s shop though so those will keep their novelty
  13. No because now it’s irrelevant. Anyone can buy it and sell it and there’s no point in going for it anymore unless you just want the extra stuff. Ata needs to stop being money hogs and let us compete for something. But they won’t, because they’re a business and they’re gonna get what they can where they can. I won’t be spending anymore on this hunt that’s for certain.
    vampirate likes this.
  14. This isn’t a new concept, there have been many hunts in the past that have had the t10 999 in stores. The most current one I can think of on the top of my head is the date night hunt. Sometimes the hunt doesn’t even have a t10 999 and instead it’s just in the store.
  15. I hate the pvp option for this hunt. I honestly don’t see the reason of having this, especially when you can’t opt out of it. The whole pvp thing is terrible because you aren’t able to prevent from getting your bats stolen unless you have peace tags, which aren’t easy to come buy. Yes you can buy them in the shop but it’s like 40ec’s for a 4 HOUR peace tag which is honestly nothing. I have gotten close to getting the broken bat item on multiple occasions but couldn’t because someone came along and stole my bat; even though it says “don’t take my bats” right in my status people still take them. I just think that there should’ve been an option to opt out of the pvp since some people like me can’t complete quest because we are getting our items stolen.
  16. Spriggan vibez
  17. If the player is not supporting pvp, hit them again 🙄💅
    MtnDewMe likes this.
  18. So true bestie
  19. y'all is killing someone in CoD bullying?

    that's how silly some of y'all sound about the PvP whining 🥴