EVENT The Bosky Man

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. I have tried this nothing even hit 120mc player and nothing
  2. You should have been able to get from 10mcs since we’re the same stats but the pvp is so broken I’m not even surprised 🥴
  3. So it seems we're all in agreement. This hunt sucks. The paper aspect is jacked up and no one is satisfied/happy rn. 🙃
  4. Pvp** Not paper 😅
  5. Like previous pvp hunts the person you hit has to have enough bats. Over 100 or 200 for it to drop more than a few. I can hit 10mcs and I’m 69 mcs 🌚 had to find a 140mcs who can hit me.
    Hag and Niffum like this.
  6. It's not that we don't understand the mechanics, as most of us has taken part in previous pvp hunts. It is the fact that the new mechanics is tedious and not making sense for us. There is a fine line between mechanics that might be tougher than normal vs mechanics that are just frustrating and not worth the effort. We come to play PIMD for fun, and right now - I am spending time chasing lb players in hopes I am the right range for them. Even so, the bats stolen aren't stacked so even if I lost 300 bats and didn't "finish" the first side quest step, it doesn't count towards it. Some of us can't/won't have the time to keep chasing a handful of people to hit you. The mechanics should be that I can only rely on x people on the game to hit me in order to finish the side quest when the previous vial pvp hunt was working fine - where you'd be able to steal from people you would normally be able to land on.
    I would really hope that there is an update to this, right now I am not interested in finishing the side quest (and thus blocking me from finishing the next 3 side quests - which I also think is frankly, dumb). If it wasn't for the 190k drop item I want, I would not bother being active this hunt at all due to the overcomplicated pvp mechanics.
  7. totally agree. i mean, if it’s pvp then it’s pvp 💀 we shouldnt be looking for just a certain specific range to hit… just saying
    PeggingCryptids likes this.
  8. How do you get the girl avi that’s running scared
  9. Has anyone tried switching their avi to a smaller stat or cleaning their room out to starter furniture? To get lower to be hittable or change their search range? Just thinking out loud.
  10. This hunt is broken as far as pvp goes. Set up for only the large players to succeed on the lb regardless of how many people you hit and trying ti figure out the hit range for people is just a headache. Not to mention that you can end up on the pvp lb just from partying and no pvp if you flash enough.
  11. I got a few bats but it didn't show in the quest as in it seems like I can't collect points for it.. Why is that? It's not nice to hit people but even more discouraging to hit them, get their bats & no points in the quest.. Why should I do it then, right!??
  12. This is an issue I came across:

    I got hit several times overnight and got over 200 bats stolen. I passed the first level of the side story, but NONE counted towards the 350 More Stolen because I was asleep and didn’t clear the alert that I had 50 bats stolen?

    This isn’t like a party where drops are only earned by being active. Having bats stolen is entirely passive. It doesn’t make sense to me that I don’t get progress in the side quest because I was asleep when someone hit the 50 bat threshold.

    I feel this is something that needs changed. I’m fine with getting hit while I’m away, but all hits that steal bats should count towards the side story.
  13. Some information to know about PvP, as many people seem to be having trouble:
    -If someone is dtw (defender too weak) it may be that they don't have enough strength and intellect energy to be hit. This could be because someone hit them before you and "took" their energy or they forgot they posted in campus and then used their energy on hitting someone or partying. It could also be that they are just too weak and out of your range to hit, especially if they don't have showcase or dorm stats and you do. If someone is DTW, it's best not to tell them and just move on; they might already know and get annoyed by all the walls and therefore stop participating to be left alone (this is just an observation from past PvP hunts).
    -Stealing bats is not guaranteed on every hit; it is luck based. However, it seems that hitting someone much smaller than you will give you a better chance of stealing, and much larger players hitting you will allow them a better chance to steal. Basically, you hit really small people, and let really big people hit you.
    -Luckily, though, bats can be earned from parties like usual; POTD, PPOTD, PPA, CC, and DS drop them, as well as the invite parties. Therefore, the only real reason for PvP is to lose bats, but this is (as we know of) totally optional and will not affect on you getting the second side story when it's released.

    TLDR: DTW doesn't always mean they don't have energy; stealing bats is luck-based but there are ways of upping your luck; bats can be gotten from parties so you don't really have to PvP unless you want.

    Just don't want people spreading false information and getting everyone confused.
    L-Ronda and Jassy like this.
  14. Same! What gives? I don't get it.
  15. We need to mention how these bats aren’t working. I’m tired of wasting DN.
    TheSavageKing likes this.

  16. If this ain’t the worst reply. Did you not read people’s complaints? Is this your cheap bid at collecting more DN to be spent? I haven’t seen any drops in my range or on the meet me what so over. DN after DN nothing even with ppl with 500+ nothing. But I do get from people 4th my stats I’m taking 150+ bats. I’m so confused how this is “Working” I have been hit multiple times from my “Meet Me” Page with ppl my stats and they don’t take any. This PvP Is dying fast if you don’t fix. And let alone the poor drops from party is definitely an issue. I’m never in forums like this but this must be directed to a bid of users to spend DN. Again I would spend more DN if it was fixed. Waste of time and my money to use 2-3 DN to even get any thing from Anyone. Bring back the old PvP rules lol.
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg likes this.
  17. And my follow up I forgot to mention. Is I been trying to lose Bats but my stat range takes no drops when they hit me. And the small stat players under my stats don’t hit so how do I lose them? L. If I can’t complete the Lose Bats since not many even can take from me. Sad.
  18. You need to complete the notched bats which are 666 of the regular bats to get progress on the xc