The Avatar Database Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by AdalineRose, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Yes! Aliens in my dorm came back three times if I remember correctly. I put them all in, in case someone was like but I got them in 2015 not 2014. Catvengers came back 2 times. 4th of july has made a few appearances too adding new avatars each time. I think 2017 or 2018 is when they changed em entirely.

    And thxs for looking through them all! It was a lot of work and it means a lot to me you looked through them all
    PsyHound and DezTheNeko like this.
  2. Thank you for making the guide this is amazing, I can’t imagine how much work it took to get this done, you’ve all done such a good job!

    I’ll just continue to scroll through them all now, wishing I’d started playing earlier
    AdalineRose, PsyHound and DezTheNeko like this.
  3. Amazing thread. Props to everyone involved in creating this. 🥰
    AdalineRose and PsyHound like this.
  4. That’s awesome! So then why refuse to do it again? Like to bring it back. Maybe there’s a bigger player base now? Hmmm and thanks for taking time to do it :)
    AdalineRose and PsyHound like this.
  5. You did it! Congratulations!!

    Your thread is now stickied. It is very well earned. :)
    Jessy, Hurricaine, Leigh and 6 others like this.
  6. Wow thank you Zelda 😍😮 that is a great honor thank you so much!! And for all your help too!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
  7. Awesome work. Thank you so much for everyone involved in creating this thread.
    Jessy, AdalineRose and PsyHound like this.
  8. Oh my gosh now I can gush about my fav avis I will never have every chance I get and not have to hunt down someone that has it!!!

    I'm so so so proud of everyones effort and it was SO worth the wait!

    Amazing job!!!
    Jessy, I_bloomRoSa- and AdalineRose like this.
  9. Made myself a meme 😂 Just for fun because its really how it feels xx it's been very exciting!

  10. Congratulations on completion yo! Such a mammoth task, Addy you have the patience of a saint to stick it out, and you may just be a tad crazy for coming up with the idea to begin with. 😂 This was hectic from start to finish, I heard @Trashieee muttering all too often to herself when things weren't working or she was tired but still hyper focused. 🤣 Now, I'm gonna borrow my fiancé back real quick if you don't mind. 😜 Congratulations again, everyone. Amazing work! ❤️
  11. just bumping this so I don’t lose it
  12. Just “watch” the thread
  13. O. M. G! I just read all the guide u did, Addy @AdalineRose. And i have to say I LOVE IT!❤️ I knew u worked so hard and u deserve all the best, A! 😍 ily ~
    Jessy and AdalineRose like this.
  14. Absolutely love this guide, would love it even more if ATA makes all the previous hunts avis available in store. They don’t have to be high stats but low enough to be 5ec each. I bet most people would purchase all, me included.
    AdalineRose likes this.
  15. Addy! I love you so much and I’m so grateful I got to help out in any way I could! You never backed down and always looked forward, we all know how hard you worked on this! You deserve it 💚👏🏼 great job once again! It’s so beautifully & perfectly done. 😍
    AdalineRose and I_bloomRoSa- like this.
  16. Thank you Psyhound!!! I appreciated all your help with it 🙌🏼🙌🏼 and taking interest! It was always fun telling you about it because you were very interested in what I was doing. You are a wonderful friend and it meant a lot <3
  17. I am so grateful to you Manic! You are one of the handful of people who gets it. When you do a project this big, it affects the people around you that is for sure. Its something you can't keep a secret. You guys also got engaged during all that!! Its crazy because Trashieee got involved on such a whim. Abs and I joined your club for something and the rest is history (I think maybe the End of a Reign hunt omg I love Game of Thrones that would be perfect if it was that hunt). We definitely are both entwined in your club now! I am definitely am in your debt for being such a good sport about it all. Particularly during the summer when I had tendonitis (and I used to cry for days), Trashieee was the most supportive. She really was the boost to getting the first 3 years done. It was such a confidence boost to finally see the progress. Not only that though, she helped design the layout (much to my annoyance at first). She also FOUND most of those avatars. In some ways, I had the easy job of 2017-2019. It was mostly in forums or more recent players. She really was committed to my dream of the all one format look, and I was losing faith on that. I was going to take some short cuts quite a few times. Trashieee really was there and motivated so much of this guide. You guys both deserve a lot. I definitely will be adding your name to the special Shout outs because nobody can truly understand the sacrifices. You guys had just started your engagement, and you still provided full support. Thank you for everything, and I think this guide wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for you two. The other thing is Trashieee took this on not looking for anything out of it. I posted it all and wrote a lovely post, but she definitely deserves so much, and I hope I can convey to a few people that take the time to read just how much she do.
    Kefo likes this.
  18. I forgot to reply to you the day of (how dare I omg sorry). But with Manic's message above! I mean it all. You are amazing and I can't thank you enough for it all. You were a big reason this project got done.
  19. My clubmates support is the best!!! I love you Rosa and thank you so much for everything too <3 Your message is so sweet!
  20. Your words warm my heart so much!!! I can not be more happy that it is finally done!! Thank you so much for letting me pester the club with 100s of avatars I was looking for. You guys answered and provided so much of them too!! I was non stop talk about the guide at the end there, and I really had to share what was on my chest. I was so excited all the time. It was something I enjoyed so much. I appreciate you letting me do that. I'm sure it was annoying some of the time haha. Also, your support! I know I messaged you a few times in the middle of the night unsure if the guide would happen. Your support meant so much and propelled me through the hard times for sure <3 (Also your avatar help haha. Ally and Jack and the spinners are highlights😍)
    Jessy and I_bloomRoSa- like this.