The ''and'' game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kronosss, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Hooked up with a guy and
  2. Threw up In my mouth
  3. Nailed him 2 my wall and

  4. ?! it should've just been:

  5. Left him there
  6. His left arm fell off and
  7. His right and left legs fell off as well as his head right arm and chest.....and
  8. Came back to life for the sole purpose of making ninja puppy angry and
  9. ? Did you nail him by his face?
  10. Mother fucker we are not Jesus we are humans
  11. Comes back as a erοtic dancer and
  12. Lol a certain someone pissed
  13. Why do y'all hate me
  14. I dont hate u and
  15. I say you lie
  16. And i dont know u so how can i hate u and
  17. Then along came George bush and
  18. Barack Obama shot him and...

  19. We laughed our asses off

    you don't need to know someone to hate them
  20. You covered yourself in pb and