A hunt inspired on cinema/The Oscars and with La La Land avis? All I needed. I'll work hard on this one
Where do you obtain a token to start one of the stories? That information should be posted on your story announcement. Less confusion for the players.
Which movie will win best picture, huh? The same movie we've been hearing about for months and still haven't seen :lol:
I understand we need the token to choose story, if we're getting it from the first call, when we're getting more tokens, if we finish the easy story line we get more?
You'll get another Story Token at the end of JD's Storyline, AND at the end of Alexa's Storyline. So no matter which one you choose first, you'll be able to start the other one afterwards (as long as the event is still running of course!) You can only do each Storyline once though.