The 2014 Guide To Battle List

Discussion in 'Guides' started by JustAnotherAltOfAnAlt, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. Omg Hulk XD
  2. Lmao alrighty G'night hulk!
  3. can bump your fits too
  4. Shit......I'm getting banned for a typo
  5. bahahaha xD
  6. fists? Fist bump! Not bannable you're safe.
  7. Fits not fists

    How do bump your own tits?
  8. Idk shhhh I was trying to save you.

    Don't blow our cover
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Jolie, Can You Moan in Rp mode?
  11. Pls,

    Or in fan fiction!

    So Nobody will know!

  12. No I only know this kind of rp
    . *Turns on tv*
    *Turns up volume*
    *Shhh stop talking I'm watching tv*
  13. Support except for the farming part :lol: i hit around 5 times each person... I think farming is consistently hitting
  14. wellll damn she a pro
  15. Pls,
    Moan or I'll Do stuff to lock this helpful thread

    Just kidding, I would never suck a thing to my wife

    I might :twisted:
  16. * I would never do such a thing
  17. Suck a thing XD
  18. John, pls use. :*lol:
    I don't like 'xD'
    Remove '*' to make it work
  19. Anyways, it's past my bed time

    Good Night bitches
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