That moment when...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. That moment where you fart, and you prayed to god no one heard nor smell it.

  2. That moment when I hate a song and can't help but hum it the whole week and I get irritated at my self when I do but still continue to do it

  3. That moment when you have your earphones plugged in and your volume is turned up really loud and you fart, and then you forget you're in public. 
  4. When a Morgana Bot had gone....Penta Kill
  5. That moment when you are sleeping then your dog wakes you up by stepping on your face
  6. When you call Sombody the wrong name
  7. That happens to me all the time o.o ^^^
  8. That moment when your at your friends house and their parents start to yell at your friend and your like: "That's a nice wall."
  9. That moment when a kid asks you why do black people talk so much in front of said people
  10. That moment when Senpai notices you.
  11. That moment when the dick isn't as bomb as he promised
  12. That moment when it's only 4 inches.
  13. That moment when you walk in late for class and everyone turns too you.
  14. You think you have to pee really bad but it's only a couple of drops
  15. That moment when she calls it cute
  16. That moment when you text your boyfriend's mom to tell her he's being mean and she actually grounds him 
  17. Win :lol:
  18. That moment when your mom tells you to go to your room.... and you're 60.. :l
  19. I was talking about my crush to a friend and she was behind us the whole time listening to it
  20. That moment when you fart and it's actually poop