That moment when...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. That moment in school when you drop your lunch tray.
  2. That moment when you think about a moment
  3. That moment when you are being talked to a person that is very annoying.
  4. When you say "my bad" at a funeral...
  5. That moment when you Watching P0rn and your mom or dad walks in. :shock:
  6. That moment when you fart at a sleepover.
  7. That moment when you get a stale green on a stop light. (Stale Green=Green light but then at the last second it turns red so you have to stop. (While in a car)
  8. That moment when you're already spamming but you still insist on doing it. ? Jk.
  9. That moment when you can't think of a moment ?
  10. That moment when you find out there is no toilet paper and you already sat down.
  11. That moment when your professor says to partner up and you and your BFF look at each other like "......"
  12. that moment when you have your earphones on and you sing real loud and someone hears you(offpitch too)
  13. When a friend sees a embarrassing notification or text on your phone
  14. That moment when you wake up and can't find your phone…
  15. The moment when u wrongly going in someone strange car but you think that is your friend car.
  16. That moment u wakes up and passed gas forgetting u spent the night over a frends house lmfao (morning fart)
  18. That moment your receiving head and the girl giving it puts two fingers in your ass...... ._.
  19. Are u cursed me?
  20. That moment when you shout, 'Mommy!' and the lady turns around and say, "I'm not your mommy. I'm a man. **** you."