That moment when..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed41518, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. that moment when hes waiting for -_A_-omar's lame but realize doesnt exist anymore ?
  2. Welcome to the forums. Well done for sharing that with the world. *much sarcasm*
  4. Op Your post Yes it was cancerous
  5. Thanks for thinking of me...
    Miss you too Hun 


    That moment when that mysterious slightly idealistic person finally notices you... and you knew it would happen through clairvoyance... But you thought you were doing something wrong...

  6. What happened to op? :(
  7. that moment when op tries to be cool in forums but fails then hides
  8. That moment when huh
  9. op is still alive and kicking
  10. That moment when you don't realize the post you were quoting was 14 days ago...


    But you have kinda grown on me a bit chill I must admit.
  11. This is a beautiful moment...I need a tissue.
  12. That moment when...she says she wants you on her bday :D