That moment when.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. me
  2. When you can’t sleep
  3. When an arrogant noob farms your alt and you introduce your main to their nf

  4. When a newer forum regular finds this thread for first time...

  5. Idk about gold

  6. u right, more like, diamonds
    Muschi likes this.
  7. When you ask people to send club banners and they send you hardcore rp instead

  8. When a promo ends and you go back to making small amounts on parties :)
  9. True.
  10. :lol: sad story.
  11. When you thought you already quit the game but you find yourself back in it
  13. This speaks to me
  14. Bump 🙂
  15. Why did this thread ever die 😮
    Seriously likes this.
  16. Rt never wake up sober never learning what ppl been saying about you while you was you was drunk. One they don't matter and two they dumb af #factswithwednesday. Also I'm dumb af and I fell asleep with my sleep contacts in, #don't drink alcohol
  17. Oh shoot, time to bump this