Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Sherz, Nov 7, 2023.

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  1. Hi, I am Nela. I'm just one of ordinary man out there.
    Today I was awakened to realise that I have so many things to be thankful of. So, let me start the introduction again.
    Hi, I am Nela. I'm an ordinary man, but with an extra ordinary support system.
    I remember my deepest sorrow when I lost my father, and I will not forget those who stay with me. Even when they say nothing, just by holding my hand and by the look in their eyes I knew that they were there to strengthen me, and will always be there for me.
    I am grateful for my family and my friends, for being a solid support system in my life. The sadness, distress, joy and happiness we share together are precious moments I will never forget.
    I am grateful for being me, because I'm surrounded with the most loving, caring, positive people who always stand up for each other and pull back together.
    I pray for my family and friends to stay healthy and strong, keep supporting and loving each other.
  2. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong 🙃
  3. Being born in this world is a reason to be thankful. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the profound gift of being born and having the chance to grow. Life is a masterpiece created with the use of experiences and memories, assisted by the people who give unending support.

    My family, the reason for my mere existence, is a refuge of love and belonging. From the earliest chapter of my life to the present, their unwavering support has been my constant source of strength. It is not a perfect family, but the laughter and talks around the dinner table, the shared joys, and even the challenges that came created a bond between us that goes beyond mere blood relations. They have been my solace, especially my mother, a place where I can be my true self without judgment.

    I am also thankful to my friends who have been with me until now. They are the reason why I am still holding on to my education and life. They make the tiring duties of my internship bearable and enjoyable. With their presence, my life never became dull. They inspire me to pursue my dream and never give up.

    Above all, I am grateful to the Almighty for never leaving my side, even in the darkness. In times of challenge, I find peace in the belief that there is a purpose to every twist and turn of my life.

    Gratitude is not just a transient emotion but a way of navigating my existence. So, I want to express my gratitude to those people who helped me mold the person I have become now and to the people who never left me and shared joy and sadness with me.
  4. My Thankful Submission :)

    HaBaek, Corgi and Miso like this.
  5. It’s the little things, that make our dark days a tiny bit brighter. They’re the light at the end of an ominous corridor. They’re one of the things I’m most grateful for.

    A smile from a stranger on the streets. The coffee that someone makes you while they’re making one for themselves. The thoughtfulness that a tiny, yet somewhat meaningful gift like my favourite chocolate brand brings with itself.

    I’m grateful for all the pieces they shared of themselves with me. Their favourite word that has become mine now. The caffeine addiction that we now share. The random smile that appears on their face for no reason.

    I’m grateful for the tiny pieces of me they’ve taken with themselves. The pieces that they’ll now pass on to the people they know. The pieces of me that might surpass my second death, when my name is uttered for the last time.

    Forever grateful. Always
    HaBaek and Haeven like this.
  6. I am grateful for my mom, who supported me throughout my life no matter the choices I've made. She is my best friend & my biggest fan.

    Even if she didn't have a lot of money, she made the decision to have me.
    Even if my father wasn't present throughout her pregnancy, she was strong with the support of her parents & siblings.

    She did her best to make sure I was happy, no matter what. She made sure my feelings were heard. Whenever I was stressed in college, she did whatever it took to destress me. She gave me the opportunities to do things that she never did. I am beyond happy to have her as my mom, and I'd like to do the same for her.
    To give her a chance to travel wherever she wants & to buy things she never had.

    Thank you, mom! I love you so much!
    Corgi, soupie and Nav like this.
  7. [​IMG] I'm reposting because I think I wrote the first link wrong heh
  8. [​IMG]
  9. So it's about how am I thankful to someone? Umm....this is a question I really need to think about. There are many precious people in my life today for whom I am smiling, enjoying a beautiful life.
    First ofc my parents. Not because they have given me birth but also because of how they have raised me and how they have raised themselves as parents. My mother, she is just perfect. No less, no more.
    And ya my sweetest n dumbest sister. Blessed to have this family.
    Thankyou those few people who have listened my bragging without any judgement. Thankyou for loving me without any conditions.
    And the most important one, dear life. Thankyou for all the lessons, showing me reality, teaching me right n wrong, making me mature, Thankyou for the day, the hour n every seconds. Thankyou my mistakes for making me better each time.
    PIMD! ty for ur existence. Not gonna lie, I am having a great time here. And it's my first bf tday🤭🤭
    Well, life is kinda mess for me right now but still....I guess it's worth living.
    Dear me, thankyou for loving me!
  10. On Thanksgiving day hundreds of thousands pray ,
    They break bread and give many thanks.
    Pitter patters go many feets, conversations of exciting to bleak.
    Stories are told and retold, history lessons of the pillage of innocents village.
    Spilt drinks sink in to the earth's crust , each day the soil and life renews, birds sing as the sun brings on a new day, why is it we are not thankful more than on thanks giving day?
    A breath in, every day awake is a beautiful day.
    Inspiring not only yourself but other people a long the way.
    Faith and knowledge can only bring you so far , open hearts is what extinguish the lonely and dark.
    It is forever your choice of the part you play,
    For let us give thanks on more then Thanksgiving day.
    Be bold, be brave, be grateful each day.
    Be helpful, be open, never forgetting to be kind ,
    We're only here for a little time,
    There is no rewind, but we sit and replay and suddenly we've fast forwarded time.
    Not much is given but taken on a dime, remember each day is Thanksgiving time.
  11. A little over four years ago, I lost my wife. My love of life appeared over, my soulmate had been suddenly taken from me at an early age.

    And then I met Em, a beacon of light that appeared out of nowhere, a woman who relit my life and completely filled the emptiness that was inside me.

    I am so grateful to her, that she entered my life, that I have been given a second chance at happiness.

    Each and every day our love grows stronger for each other, giving me hope of a bright and loving future, making me realize that I have met my new soulmate.
  12. Entries are no longer being accepted after this point!

    Thank you for everyone who participated. Winners will be announced as soon as possible. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and early Black Friday from PIMD 🫶🏼
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