The beta TEST war was a TEST. They used the iDevices as Guinea pigs to work out the bugs in the system BEFORE giving to all players. Stop making a big deal out of iDevices users having to deal with bugs in the new system when android users will have an un-glitched version of the wars if/when they come out.
I liked how short the war was! If wars were that short I'd be warring all the time. Also like that it wasn't with your home club, made it more challenging . So much fun.
It's been mentioned many times about the disbanding of the clubs during match up etc Also the inactives gave the club a big disadvantage as they were being milked so a good option would have an auto kick after half an hour as 2 inactives were admin so couldn't be kicked!! Also I was the highest stat in my club in both wars and in the 2nd war when the 2 other bigger stat clubs warred the smallest was about 800kcs I am 330kcs, what happened to all the stat players in between!? People have mentioned about warring with their clubs.... Why don't you do what you do on KAW and have clubs sign up and you match whole clubs up instead in individual players I'm sure many clubs would want to war together!!! They would be able to organise themselves better pick targets pick their own admin etc. Overall it was very enjoyable! Thanks guys
I agree, and most of you android users complaining will probably complain about glitches if you were testing a possibly glitchy new system. Which it was, there was a slight club disbandment during and my friend was getting farmed even though she was a part. Her club won their war though :3 I think the next new system should try to find a way to lock in tutors. Especially if you have those who when they come back go advertising to get hired leaving you with so much open cash in the war. Idk just a thought.
I tried to do bolth wars and you kicked me from the first war "your mistake" I did do the second war but I fell asleep and I never revived my boxing gloves "very disappointed"
One this isn't the place to complain about party promos. july is ending anyways. Two, if you android complainers can stop complaining for one second, us iGuineaPigs have given you alllll the reasons why and are perfectly acceptable. You guys are treated better. Deal with it.
Being Temp War Beta Testers make us Guinea Pigs and being able to try a new system first? PFFFFT it's quite actually something good . If PIMD liked android better,wouldn't the system be out there already?
Seriously ppl still whining about y not andriod? Probably because it's much harder to code for iOS device, based on that let then work the kinks for iOS then will port it to Driod. For people who genuinely love wars it was amazing though there seems to be a big group of people who don't know how to war properly and how to pick targets from opponents Driod users have the biggest advantage over iOS users as they can see plunder.
I'm just saying it cause I really am tired of the android commenters. And I really would've loved to join the beta test wars. I was waiting on a friend then i fell asleep through it ;-; I will be awaiting the next pimd war though