It's a beta.....meaning it's a test will come out for androids too, just wait, learn something called "patients" And those of androids who think this is unfair, think about this: -iOS had pimd for nearly 2 years before android -android can see war plunder -android can see who is active in war -when pro packs came out androids got 175dn's when iOS only got 17..... -androids got free dn's and ec's for the Halloween pumpkin mask -iOS is being used as test rats for a new war system to clear all the bugs and glitches before androids get it Stop complaining that android missed out on 2 wars, there will be more to come.
*patience And yup! Android's been treated better than us ios users lol. Maybe the badge is just the same. My friend got hers. :0
You guys need to stop whining lol it was only two test wars and thats it. And its just trophies. When the real war system comes out im sure prizes might change and all that good stuff. None of this is permanent. Anyways, it was fun but my club was ridiculous lol even though we won. I dont like that they are able to strip us though. And waiting for sign ups is too long. Oh and like someone else said, they should kick the inactives within the first 30 mins or so.
I enjoyed the war the second time because it seems like a lot of the bugs were fixed but I would much rather war with my club mates instead of against them for many reasons.
(/).-) Some people only care about the world as they see it and have total disregard of others. Android, as Zach said, has had this app for a much shorter period of time than iDevices. The developers are simply testing the new war system and then will release it for all devices. On a separate note, Zach has stated many different advantages there are to having an android, such as being able to see plunder during wars and extra DNs from the pro packs.
I think maybe some dropped items would be cool. Or maybe a war collectible, like frat warrior or sorority girl siren. And they could be dressed in a horribly made prank war outfit of armor (like in movies and such) and the girls would wear golden bikinis. Just a thought. /).(\
Between this and the proparty issues..ATA will ruin PIMD..First ur eliminating Android users from the war test..y..we do as much in the game as 'iphone' users..seriously thats discrimination! Real if ur under 200kcs ur gettin kicked from ur home club..what is ATA doin to PIMD!! This game is startin to aggrivate me! ATA whats good?¿
its actually ok onli IDEVICES cause android ppl already have lots of cool stuff 1umpkin candy 2:get million of gifts just by resending them and trading for DV (i consider this a hack) 3:get to see their plunder on wars ....and much more while idevice ppl dont get that much